Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My Gift, My Son

You were woven together inside of me,
A secret place, only God can see.
It took some time, nine months in fact,
To mold you together, all in tact.

At last the day upon me arose,
I held you, kissed you and counted your toes.
Instantly I fell in love
With my new babe sent from the Father above.

How can it be that a year has passed?
The time has flown so utterly fast.
I have watched you grow and watched you learn,
Yet vividly remember that day you were born.

Thank you, dear Jesus, for this year with my son,
It has been a year of learning, laughter and fun.
His cuddles, his antics, his giggles, his cries,
His 'woof, woof', his 'mama', his 'hi', his 'bye-bye'.

I watch him nestle against my breast,
I smile and am awestruck at how I am blest.
As he depends upon me as his mother,
May I depend upon You, Father, and not on another.

Lord Jesus, I ask for patience and gentleness,
As I mother my son, Lord make me selfless.
May I be an example of humility,
May I obey You and may he see You in me.

I pray he will come to know You, Lord,
To study your Bible, to make it his sword.
May all that he does reflect your face,
I pray that he is led to your saving grace.

Lord, thank You for this gift, my son,
Thank you for this day he's one.
Guide him each and every day,
To be a holy man, to pray.
May he serve You and obey,
May he walk in Your steps and never stray.

Happy 1st Birthday, my dear son, G. I love you so much!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem to honor Gabriel's first year of life! He is such an amazing little boy, and he is blessed to have you as his mommy. Happy birthday Gabe! I cant wait to meet you, to know your sweet little face.


Choppzs said...

Happy Birthday Gabe!!! How the time flies! Beautiful Poem!

Risa said...

Happy Birthday, Gabriel!

Jozie and Luke (Bob and Risa too!) :)