Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Tribute Of Sorts

It was the summer of 1999. We were newlyweds arriving at our first duty station (Minot, North Dakota), pretty much new to the Air Force. That is where we met the best friends anybody could have, Scott and Jamie. Zach & Scott went to Tech School together and both got orders to Minot. When we arrived in Minot Zach somehow got a hold of Scott and we went to their house. They were just moving in and there were boxes everywhere. I remember thinking how weird they talked! They are from 'Wuhsta', Massachusetts! Jamie and I seemed to hit it off pretty well. She was, after all the first person I met in Minot (and we do have the same name)! The next day as we looked at houses (they gave us 3 choices) on base we picked the one nearest to them (which happened to be the nicest one). We often would get together with Scott and Jamie, eating dinner together and playing games. Jamie and I often talked about getting together when the guys were at work, but time would go by and we still hadn't gotten together without the husbands! I don't know why, we seemed to get along great while the four of us were together. (Seems weird to think back to the days with no kids). Zach was a cop in the missile field, gone for days at a time, and Scott was a cop on the flight line, so they worked different schedules. Finally, Zach got switched to working on the flight line also. Wow! Jamie and I often began doing things together with the guys working the same shift (from like 2 pm to 7 am). Being we were in North Dakota, there wasn't much to do, but we often visited at one another's house or took a walk. We discovered how much we love to play Scrabble! Thus began the road to our friendship...

They were there all through our first years of marriage and parenthood. Jamie came and watched H while I had J. It seemed our holidays were spent together, as well as our off time. And like I said Jamie and I got together far more often while the guys worked. We went through a lot together up in the frigid cold on the prairie, er Air Force base.

Almost six years later...We now live in Mississippi and they are moving from California to Washington D.C. We moved from Minot back in August of 2002, leaving behind the closest friends we've had. That is one thing that I hate about military life- leaving friends behind. It is so hard to come across good friends! And oftentimes you find there are some people that just don't keep in touch as well as others, although maybe you'd like to. I remember saying good-bye to Jamie at TLF, just bawling my eyes out. Now don't get me wrong, I was SO glad to leave North Dakota (and joked not to look back for fear I'd turn into a pillar of salt), but I just wanted to pack Scott and Jamie up in our van and take them along!

I remember one weekend when we were living in North Carolina. Zach insisted I not go anywhere this Saturday morning while he went to work. He said he had a surprise. Now I knew that Jamie was up around Maryland working at that time, as she traveled for work. We were going to arrange to see one another but it didn't work out. So, I just assumed Zach must have been having flowers delivered. I'm going about my day doing something in the kitchen, talking on the phone when the doorbell rings. I look out the window and see a lady standing there and I think (and even comment out loud) how strange it is that she isn't holding flowers. So, I go to the door and open it, puzzled by this lady on my doorstep, when it hits me. It is Jamie! I stood there, my mouth hanging, in utter amazement, speechless. I politely get off the phone and cry and laugh at the same time as I hug Jamie. I could not believe my eyes! Here she drove all the way down to see my for only one night! What a friend! We had a blast!

Now, as they travel from west coast to east they are stopping to see us! They arrive tomorrow! I have been anticipating this day for a LONG time! I cannot contain myself and I know I'm going to have trouble sleeping. You see, Scott and Jamie are no longer just Scott and Jamie. They have a lovely 2 year old son that I get to meet for the first time! They adopted this sweet boy from Russia when he was about 10 months old! I have seen numerous pictures and heard many tales of this budding boy, but to actually see their child! It is hard enough anticipating seeing them...But their son! I know how much they desired a child, prayed for and yearned for a child. Once they moved to Cali adoption fell into place and now they are parents! The amazing thing is to see Jamie's faith in the whole matter, that one day God will allow her to conceive. Oh, I pray so! I know they are awesome parents!

So, as I sit these next 12-24 hours waiting for them to arrive, I will ponder the memories of our times in North Dakota. It is exciting to get company no matter who it is, but when it is somebody this special...And we have never had friends visit us before (from out-of-town), it has always been family (doesn't that sound sad and pitiful)...This will truly be a special time.

*On the flipside, Zach is unable to get leave this week. It will take a miracle. So, please say a prayer that he is able to get time off. Not only does he have to work, but he has to work horrible hours, not allowing him much time with Scott.*


Bethany said...

I'm glad for you....but let me know if this will change dinner plans this weekend!! :p

I will definatley understand if it does!

Choppzs said...

I know how sucky it is to have to leave friends you have made at a duty station. We made some of our bestest friends in Lejeune and Hawaii!! It sucks when you leave and never have contact with them again. Luckily a couple we are great friends with from Hawaii, have moved back to Pendelton and we are close enough to visit once in a while. Now others are a different story, some we haven't heard from in years. I am glad you have stayed in contact and are able to have them visit!! Hope Zach gets some time off!!

Anonymous said...

Hey--I'm caught up--took me awhile to figure out how to leave a comment! I enjoy your blog! :) love, Jen Bach