Monday, March 06, 2006

Blogger Barf

Well, not sure what was going on with my blog, but I sure am glad it is working again! I was getting some forbidden message. Other blogs were working though. Weird.

It is about 80 here! It is lovely, but I am sure the gnats are awful. One disadvantage to the south are those pesky gnats.

We went to a different church yesterday. We've never really found a church home since we moved here. Not like music is everything in a church, but hymns just don't cut it for us. Well, it has been probably 2 years since we heard non-hymn music in church- not since North Carolina. It was nice to hear some praise songs. They had a bit of a southern twang to them or something, but the people were praising! The church had a special speaker, so we didn't get to hear the pastor preach, but we really liked it. We will continue to go and 'test the waters', so to speak. I just want a church home and some fellowship already! The special speaker was Ashley Smith, the 'Unlikely Angel' from the Atlanta hostage situation that took place last year. We bought her book and had it autographed. What a powerful testimony she has! Now I have to admit that I hadn't heard her name before, or if I had I didn't remember it, but I did know the name Brian Nichols.

Tomorrow I will join a Bible study from the church we were attending and where the children go to Awana. It is called Conversation Peace. I realized I have not been in a Bible study for myself since we lived in North Dakota! It will be nice to be a part of a Bible study again and hopefully it will help me with some of my faults!!!!

Speaking of Awana, J's got 12 Bible verses memorized from his Cubbies book! And he can't just tell you the latest one- he has to tell them all! It is so awesome to see my little guy memorizing the Word of God. And H is cruising through her Sparks verse and memorizing many verses too! She usually polishes off about two a week! I am so proud of them!

I am going to try to make these Chocolate Peanut Butter cookies in the near future. They look SO wonderful! You gotta love Allrecipes!


Amie said...

I heard that lady speak on Focus on the Family, definately an incredible story!

Bethany said...

I'm curious...what church?

You should have visited us at Michael Memorial!!!

But I am glad you guys enjoyed it.

DDanielle said...

I dread having to look for a new home church, which we will have to do when we move. We attend a Lutheran church right now, however I didn't think I would like it before we went. It was the music that made us return. I know what you mean by wanting to not hear all hymns. It doesn't make the church, but for us praise songs feel more like well praise. Although there are some hymns I love too. Its funny because there is another service that doesn't do "contemporary" and people in that service feel more praise from hymns. Fellowship is so important too. I love feeling a part of a community of believers. I love going to the video store where the guy at the counter is the bass player in the praise band. I love knowing that I can call on people from our church for help, or feeling that level of support. Good luck, I hope this church is "the one".

Anne said...

Hey, what's wrong with hymns! :) I probably could do all hymns, but like a nice mix.

That's neat about the kids memorizing Bible verses... I'm sure these seeds you're helping plant will be valuable in years to come.