Sunday, April 30, 2006

Achy Breaky Heart

Oh man, did I cry. Last night was the night I decided to no longer nurse G. I had it down to once a day, which was right before bed. He'd beg to go to bed come evening. He even began asking to switch sides while we would nurse! But, I would lay there nursing him and then lay there even longer after he nursed waiting for him to fall asleep and I thought, that's it! So, last night I didn't give him his 'ma', which he calls milk. He barely cried. Well, he was crying for daddy, so daddy came and laid with us and G put his arms around me. Meanwhile I'm crying a bit anyways, because I know I won't nurse him again, and then he says, "Wa-wa-wa" (which translates to "I love you" and he said "night". Then he kissed me a few times! Oh, the tears were just pouring! My sweet, sweet baby is growing up! I am one sense I'm ecstatic that he is weaned, in another I'm saddened.


razorbackmama said...

BOO HOO HOO!!!!!!! I just dread that day!!!

Me said...

I was so sad after I quit nursing too, but so relieved cuz then I didn't have to pump at work anymore :)

Choppzs said...

I remember with Olivia I cried when she was weaned, and with Zachary, I cried in the beginning allot because he wouldn't nurse. It's a very emotional thing. It's almost like you feel you aren't needed anymore because you aren't their main source of nourishment. But then you realize that just because you don't nurse doesn't mean you can't have as many kisses and hugs and all the good stuff that goes with having little ones. I feel for you!!

Anne said...

((((HUGS)))) What a sweet guy! It can be hard to see them grow up and get more independent of us! You are such a good mommy- it sounds like the two of you have a strong bond. :)