Friday, June 29, 2007


Want to hear another twisted thing about the south???? They do NOT have 4Th of July parades!!!!! Can you believe that? I guess it's because they go so berserk over Mardi Gras down here. They probably have no money left to do an Independence Day parade. I still cannot believe that. I remember looking last yer for one and thinking maybe because of Katrina. Then today I asked a lifetime resident of the coast and she said she's never even heard of a 4Th of July parade!!! How crazy is that!?!? I grew up going to the parades. I remember even riding my bike in one or two. It really saddens me that we have no parade to take our children to on the 4Th. I'm not necessarily big on celebrations, but its nice to have your children do some of the things you did as a kid. This is just one of them. I think I should check out that the place we want to move to next summer actually has these parades;)

Remember now, this is the same place that celebrates Mardi Gras like its Christmas (I HATE M.G.). They're the ones who shoot off fireworks for EVERY thing it seems. Where we're from we don't get big into fireworks for every little holiday. But down here the little fireworks boothes have been set up for weeks now. And they come before Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's day, Grandparents Day, Hug a Friend Day. Ok, maybe not that often, but you get the picture. This is the same place that sells shrimp on every corner you pass, or so it seems. Fresh shrimp! Yuck. Can you tell I'm getting tired of the coast? I am. I'm tired of the thunderstorms every day because its too stinking' humid too!

I guess, after all I'm a true northerner, or Yooper. So please, someone take me out of the Land of Dixie!


Risa said...

I WANT FRESH SHRIMP!!! Even if I had to clean them I would love to have some fresh shrimp. I usually get the frozen fully cooked, shelled, devained, and delegged things that I can get in the grocery store. They are good but sometimes taste kinda fishy or are kinda mushy...maybe we will have to come down for a shrimp run!

I was just outside taking pictures of fireflies and jumped at every gargantuan boom from fireworks. It's not even July for goodness sake!

Christine said...

Hey girl. We are proud to have 4th of July parades here in NC. Blessings!

Choppzs said...

Yep, even if your not big on celebrating holidays, you should still be true to celebrating the 4th. Holidays aren't celebrated like they used to be, now it's Gay Pride Day, and Mardi Gras that are celebrated all the time! lol

Anonymous said...

Ok, so we dont have parades, but the millions of dollars of fantastic fireworks for the entire 27 miles of beach make up for that I think. ;) I wish we had a parade too, though.

We should have our own! LOL

I guess I should read your blog more often...remind me!

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

I grew up in the south (have lived in the South my entire life, now that I think about it) and there were always 4th of July parades. Sorry you don't have one in your area, though. :-(