Friday, September 14, 2007

My record

Yesterday I didn't turn on my computer until after 3 pm! And I think the total amount I spent on it was at the MOST 30 minutes. That is SO rare. But, we went out to lunch with daddy and came home and had some company. Then we tried to do some more school. I had a real rough day so I cleaned in the evening. Today it is 2 pm and I'm just now getting on. I have been so busy dealing with behavior issues of a 3 year old and trying to do school. We went outside and flew some airplanes I made to see which would fly further- the long, narrow wing or the short, wide wing. It was fun. The clouds the past two days, from Humberto, have been amazing. We've had some rain. Nothing exciting, although when I was driving home from lunch yesterday I was going real slow for awhile there. I can't even think of what else our week has entailed. I hope the weekend is a bit slower!


Angel at Aduladi' said...

You said...

"I had a real rough day so I cleaned in the evening"

In my world that would have sent me straight for cookie dough and a book! Good for you that you cleaned. Next time you are having a rough day, would you please come over? :-)

Big Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Ditto for me aduladi, she can come to my house, if only she were closer. I could then see the wonderful 3 yr old by the way I am sure she is exagerating about the behavior issue. :) Thought I would try to make you smile. He sure knows how to get your goat going so to speak! Love him always like you usually do. 7, 5 and 3 what fun that would be. Just don't want to be here at work this afternoon:) Can I go home now?

Amie said...

I have always felt that 3 is the toughest age.

I have to check email first thing in the morning. Jeremiah has been known to bring chocolate home from work and hide it, then send me an email telling me where it is ;) LOL