Monday, November 05, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

I have been wanting for some time to add Menu Plan Monday to my posts. Not sure how consistent I will be on it, but since I already have a menu planned it can't really hurt to try to add to my blog! I've had to do some rearranging on things, but here's my menu for the week. For other menu's visit Laura.

Monday: Sloppy Joe Squares, Salad

Tuesday: French Onion Pot Roast with carrots and potatoes, rolls

Wednesday: French Dip Sandwiches, Salad

Thursday: Leftovers or some frozen meal (I have a Mom's Night Out)

Friday: Chicken Cordon Bleu, vegetables

Saturday: Homeade Macaroni and Cheese, bread, vegetables

Sunday: Leftovers (we have Awana this night so we don't have a set dinner)

All of these recipes come from my new cookbook. I'm excited to try them all!


Risa said...

I should really do a weekly menu plan...way too many times I am scrambling at the last minute looking through the freezer and cupboards trying to find something that fits together to make a meal!

I'm just not very organized!

Amie said...

I can't do a weekly menu, I wouldn't be able to commit to eating something days ahead :D

I'm curious about a sloppy joe square. Where they good?