Saturday, September 13, 2008

A post about not much of anything...

I was going to post pictures but my camera was left in the car and I'm too lazy to go and get it. I really don't have too much to blog about. My parents left this morning. While I was looking forward to them going and getting back to normal, I felt terrible for being such a grouch with them. When I apologized to my mom she said I wasn't really crabby with her! That's good because I sure felt like I was sometimes! When we were at the airport we were squished sitting in chairs (some old ladies had come to sit by us). Apparently Chatterbox was kicking the lady next to her, not realizing it, and the lady commented about it and was a bit rude. I'm sorry but I can't stand old farts who are child-haters! My stepdad commented to the lady that CB wasn't meaning to do it and the lady said, "I'm sure she wasn't but it is annoying". I'm sure it was, but she could have been kinder about the whole situation.

After we left the airport we went to lunch at the Olive Garden. It's about time we get to eat there! It has been at least 4 or 5 months since the last time we've eaten at one! It was delicious and it was nice because they stuck us in a corner. I could nurse without having to worry about people being around. Then some loud lady with her loud children got seated behind us, one kid stating, "Oh my g*d" about something. I find it so annoying when people are so loud, wanting everybody around them to know their business.

I tried to nap when we got home but it wasn't very successful. Sweet Pea does pretty good at night, but it seems she has a hard time pooping at night too, so she's often up grunting and I'm trying to help her out! Right now she's lying on the floor wide awake, kicking and looking all around.

I seem to have a knack for misplacing things lately. I haven't been able to find one of my necklaces for quite some time now. You'd think it would show up somewhere! Also, I can't find my library card! I plan to look in a bunch of papers I have down in the basement. If its not there I'm really stumped on what happened to it and I may have to pay to get a new one. I guess with pregnancy I lost some brain cells! Normally I'm pretty good about keeping track of my things!

I'm really looking forward to this week. Well, besides Monday. Monday morning I have an x-ray and doctors appointment (to check my kidneys, stones and all that). I have no baby-sitter lined up (I don't know anybody nearby) so I'll probably be taking all 4 kids with me! Not a big deal if I didn't have the x-ray. And I don't have a stroller, although I do have a double stroller I doubt Booty Shaker would sit in it and plus its rather big to fit in some areas! I'd love to put Sweet Pea in the Ergo but then what happens when I get my x-ray? Can I trust Chatterbox to hold her? So, this has been the dilemma in my head for the past couple of weeks! I will be glad when the appointment is over so I won't have to worry about it! Monday afternoon one of Zach's co-workers wives is coming over to bring a meal, which is really sweet.

I was wanting to begin school on Monday but it looks like we may have to wait until Tuesday. I am looking forward to starting again and getting us all into a much needed schedule. I'm unsure what exactly I'll do with Booty Shaker...he is so ready to learn much more than I'm ready for him to! I'll just take it one day at a time with him and let him determine what we really do.

Enough of boring you for the day. I'll try to get pictures on later. I need to figure out what I'm going to take to our church picnic tomorrow and I really should plan school lessons at some point.


Babyface74 said...

Jamie, you sound so stressed in the end of your post. That lack of surging hormones really gets you the first few weeks after a baby is born. For SP, may I suggest a glycerin suppository. Zach had the same thing when he was born. He would strain so hard he would turn purple. I asked his ped and that is what she told me to do. You can either cut a small piece off and insert it or use it to stimulate. I would stimulate. I would lay zach on his belly over my legs (with a towel under him) and stimulate his bowel. It really helped. Little did I know at the time, he was highly lactose intolerant and the milk I was drink was doing it to him. He was 8 months old before I figured it out. Motherhood is such a learning process. Good luck with the start of school. Its so much fun watching all the new things they learn!! Have a great week.

Amie said...

How about bringing the infant car seat in for you appointment? Than you can hold the baby, and put her in the seat while you have an x-ray.

Jamie said...

I'm not 'supposed' to carry anything heavier than the baby! I have crazy pains in my stomach still so I really don't want to carry something heavy. Plus its a long walk!!! That hospital is huge, hopefully I can find a close parking spot...

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, my sister is just five minutes from you! She is worked in a daycare last summer and I think she's still there part time. She told me she has 12 three-year-olds last I knew. Anyway, I'm sure she'd love to babysit for you. Invite her over sometime just to hang out to see how she does with the kids and how she might jell with ya! Do you still have her number?