Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Little Sweet Pea is 11 1/2 months old. That is so hard to believe! It doesn't feel like almost a year has passed. It's hard to believe that a year ago I was in so much pain due to kidney stones, a stent and pregnancy! And I'm very thankful I'm not where I was a year ago:) Anyway, for at least the past couple of months I keep feeling like I'm going to get my period. You see, its been forever since I had it- since November of 2007!!! Isn't that awesome and crazy!?!? One of the many benefits of breastfeeding! In July I was cramping pretty bad I was certain it was coming. I even took some Motrin for the pain. Again in August around the same time of month I felt the same way. But nothing. Yesterday I had a tiny bit of spotting though. So I'm not really sure what is going on. I'm sure Sweet Pea isn't nursing as often so I'm sure one day soon those cycles will kick in. And don't' get me wrong, I'm certainly not complaining about being 'free' from it! It is wonderful! I just hate the feeling that I'm going to get it and I wonder and worry...after all nobody wants to start when they're not at home!

Speaking of Sweet Pea, boy does this girl wake up early! This morning she woke pretty much when Zach did and never did fall back to sleep. Which means I didn't either. I hate early mornings. I hate mornings period. Maybe that's a bad attitude. It's not even 8 am and I've got whining, crying, fighting children. I hate it. Makes me want to send them to school next week! Oh and speaking of school I'm thinking I just need to start it back up again and maybe they'll behave better, bounce off of walls less and not fight as much. Highly unlikely I'm sure. I'm seriously fed up with the disrespect I get from them! And they're totally different creatures when Daddy's home. What's up with that?

Ok, I better get off of this machine and get started on my day...even though all I desire is to crawl back into bed.


Kim said...

Yikes that is so long. Boy I wish I was like that. I know what you mean when you don't know when it's coming and it comes at the least unexpected time and usually when your not home. That's so hard to believe SP will be 1. Time sure does go by fast. Well hope you have a good day. Maybe you can sneak in a nap later

Darlene said...

maybe put the fear in them too? jk

I am OK said...

I started up school with C last week, just for something to do too. He was getting crazy and bored so I figured I might as well get him geared up for school. I am so glad I did - he is actually starting to read now and wasn't there just two weeks ago. Plus he has been much more agreeable the rest of the day. Good luck.

Also, love your convictions - and your encouragement to everyone.