Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Flipside

Ok so I showed you the houses that would better accommodate our family, but are a bit pricier. Here are some that are more affordable but rather smaller or just plain yuck.

Some that were sent to us before are pending sale so I can't find info on them. I'm telling you there is really nothing but junk for $130K and under. It is frustrating!

Here's the first one. I love the kitchen (not). And it is more than the $130! UGH!

This is one we liked. Obviously it says its pending. I think it was by RR tracks anyway.

This one looks nice and dark, not to mention tiny. Plus I think its a townhouse.

Then there's this one. Again, check out the kitchen.

Ok, I admit this one is nice. But who knows what it looks like inside!?!

I don't like this at all. Sorry!

Then we have this home which is just plain tiny.

Again the kitchen here is yuck and the bedrooms look like they're so small.

The last one.

When we move I'll be 6 months pregnant! With three children. The last thing I want to do when I move into a house is a ton of renovations, painting, etc. And I don't feel comfortable buying a house I won't be comfortable in, ya know? It is such a frustrating process, I just want to scream!


Erica said...

I can't imagine trying to house hunt from so far away. How frustrating!

I meant to tell you about the food poisoning - we ate at Taco Bell on Pass Road. It just sounds like it should give you food poisoning, doesn't it? I mean, Pass Road isn't exactly Champs Elysees or anything.

Melissa said...

I love the one on Clark Ave, with some paint and new hardware the kitchen would look fantastic, but since you don't want to fuss with all of that which is totally understandable being 6 months pregnant and all with three kids. I just love the old farmhouse look to it. Have fun house hunting and try not to stress about it.

momanna98 said...

I TOTALLY understand what you are going through - being that I am going through the same thing right now! So many times we have had high hopes for a home, only to look at it and say, "This is the same house? Are you kidding?" And the price limit is always frustrating. We are looking again tomorrow, and although it's not as far as your drive, it is still 2 hours away. :-/ (Not to mention we only have about a month to find something.)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Melissa. Not bad. Mom

Anonymous said...

Well, I know that this is all very frustrating for you right now. Just keep in mind that God WILL provide for you and your family. Claim Jeremiah 29:11 and hold onto that verse.

When we were happily in San Angelo and we got orders to keesler, I did what you're doing. I started looking up real estate, churches, christian radio stations and other resources and I was appalled. But when we got there God provided us with a base house until we found the house of our dreams. And that house was a blessing to us every day we owned it. God provided us with an awesome church family and God provided us with great friends like you.

Only, it took a while before these things came to pass and then God planted us somewhere else after katrina. But that move was a blessing also.

i guess what I'm trying to say is peace, be still. Quit fretting over these houses that likely won't even be on the market by the time you get there. Focus on the fact that you're moving somewhere new and just enjoy the journey.

God will provide you with the home that you all need. It may not be your dream house, but hey, if it can fit your family, you can afford it and it's a roof over your heads, you'll be able to make it a home. I've always felt such a peace coming into your home, and I know you'll be able to carry that to wherever you live.

I'm sorry if this sounds lecturing, but I love you to pieces and i want to see you enjoy this move. You're so blessed. Focus on that and trust me, the rest will fall into place.

I do know what you're going through and if you need to talk, please email me or myspace me and I'll give you my number. I'll be praying for you as always and I'm here for you!!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

missy said...

Can I just say that househunting really stinks. I can so relate to where you are. We're finding it very tricky to find something affordable and decent on the beach even with the variable allowance. For some reason they cost more there hhhmmm wonder why? It's so much easier when the Air Force says "live in that house right there" and then you just make it work.

I'll be praying for you.


Amie said...

I think it would really hard to house hunt online if you don't know the area. Location, neighborhood, ect. is so important to see. Hopefully, your trip in April will be productive.

Marla said...

Hey! I'm pregnant too and I just noticed that you and I must be due on almost the same date! Sept. 22? I hope you can find a midwife/birth center where you are going. Take care of yourself through the move!

Jodie said...

LOL I shouldn't be laughing - but your obvious disgust is cracking me up. You'll find something that doesn't disgust you. I just know it. And a couple of those houses really didn't look too bad.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep praying for you................Jim and I have always ended up w/base housing; after being disappointed when we realized we couldn't afford anything nice on our AF pay. I know that you won't have tha option up there, but I also know that GOD already knows what the best one is for you. I pray that HE reveals it to you quickly, in JESUS Wonderful name----Amen!