Thursday, June 09, 2011

Mean Mom

Maybe I'm meanie.  But seriously, it's math and my kids have GOT to finish it.  It's critical information they're learning, ya know?  So, about 4 times a week they have to do two math pages.  Hannah only has tests left.  Gabe has 2 or 3 chapters.  They both can finish their work easily in an hour or less.  I know every child is different, but why does Josiah have to be so different?  It takes him ALL day to do his work (2 pages) and he still has about 6 chapters left.  I want them to be done with math as I hate math...I don't want to be dealing with this all summer long.  All day Josiah works on his 2 math pages (and mind you sometimes there are only 10 problems on a page).  Really.  I cannot sit by him all day when I have three other children, laundry and housework.  As it is I'm so tired and feel like I don't keep up with things like I used to (hmmm, maybe because I'm doing this whole thing alone and 9 months pregnant).  The other day when I was able to sit by him he did 1 page and worked quickly and efficiently, getting the problems right.  But I can't continually do that.  He needs to learn to work, ya know?  I'm at a loss what to do.  This is the one child, I hate to say, that I just do not enjoy homeschooling.  I feel so bad saying that.  I feel so mean.  But it is so true.  As I sit typing his brother and sister just came up from the basement and he's extremely distracted.  When they were in the basement he was busy looking out the window at the sky.  How do I keep him from being distracted!?!  I can't constantly keep the noise/chaos/kids away from him!  I am so frustrated!  And sure, maybe I just could say "Forget it" but he really needs to get this math down!  Last year he started this years math late because he had to finish the previous year's math.  I don't want to do that again and be doing math next year until July!!!


Kim said...

O boy sounds so frustrating. Wish I had some advice for ya but I dont know what could help him. Jarrett is the same way w/ homework (when school was in). He would get so easily distracted. I would feel so mean because I would have to be stern w/ him. It gets exhausting and I kinda know how you feel. Hope he gets it done soon. Doing math and school in summer is no fun :( Maybe he'll realize it that everyone else is done and can play outside when he's stuck inside still.

I am OK said...

Wow, it really does sound rough. FOr all of you. Maybe there is a tutoring program you could use??? I know one of our babysitters (she's 15) offers tutoring for K-6. Sometimes she'd do homework with Cooper and I swear the homework would be AMAZING. It barely gets done with me - LOL. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I know this is hard for you and I hate it for you.....
But as a HS'ing Mom of 12 years let me encourage you to just take the time and sit with him while he finishes. It will make the struggle allot less for both of you and it won't be long before he will not want you to help him at all:O) I had one just like this...
Praying for you,