Monday, January 22, 2007

Our Scare

Yesterday I felt like maybe I was coming down with a bladder infection because I felt the need to constantly use the bathroom. Off and on through the day I had some cramping and for a while I had a terrible stomach ache. I thought that it would be okay to wait until today to call my midwife. I woke up at 2 am bleeding. It was just real light spotting, but it freaked me out and I've only slept 1/2 hour since then! I didn't bleed again until after I took a shower. I was supposed to baby-sit today (my new job) and so I waited for her to come and was just going to take all the kids to the doctor with me. The oldest is 11 so I figured she'd help. Well, my friend, Robin, who is the one I sit for decided she would just watch my kids and our day got totally turned around! I was so fearful I was having a miscarriage yet at the same time wondered how it could be since just 3 days ago I saw my healthy baby! So, my midwife did an ultrasound and there was the baby with a heartbeat. We even could hear it on the Doppler! I was so relieved I started to cry! Praise GOD! But, the outside of my cervix is bleeding. She said it it like a scraped knee. Nowhere near the baby and I guess the chance of me miscarrying is less than 3%. I feel much relief. I was prescribed an anti-biotic in case the culture comes back positive so I will start taking that and hopefully the cramps will subside. So, please pray that all stays well. I am going to finish lunch and get some much needed rest!


Choppzs said...

Oh man, how scary!!! I am glad the baby looked healthy and well, and hope the antibiotics help!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!!

Anna said...

Wow, how scary I am glad you and the baby are ok.

Michelle said...

Hi Jamie,
I am Michelle, Zach's cousin. I read your post but don't usually comment. I have tried a few times but I haven't been able to switch to the new system yet so Sometimes I can comment and sometimes I can't. I had the same spotting problem with my last pregnacy and my midwife said the same thing. It was just a vein over the front of my cervix that would bleed once in a while but nothing serious. sometimes it is from stretching or abrasion but nothing to woory about. I had a happy healthy baby girl 31 months ago.....i will keep you all in my prayers

Christine said...

I am so glad that you are alright. Prayers for you. I was told that there is a packet of blood somewhere in my uterus, but it is harmless. If it comes out, it is alright. Otherwise, my body will just absorb it. My doctor said it has nothing to do with the pregnancy, so not to worry. Maybe what you experienced is similar. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Praying up here in coooold Illinois.

Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

That is a relief...Blessings on you..and may Peace continue. I'm 5 months pregnant now, but experienced some gushes of blood around 2 months - apparently it was just some blood can be very alarming!!!
patty-jean (an AR reader)

Amie said...

Scary! So glad things are okay.

Becca said...

...keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!

Jodie said...

Yikes! I'm glad everything is ok with the baby. Hopefully you'll be back to normal in no time.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that everything is okay. We'll keep you in our prayers. I don't think I've told you yet, but Margaret is pregnant too!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing well! I had the same thing happen. I was so scared.