Thursday, January 04, 2007

P.S. to appointment

You would think that after being pregnant 4 other times somewhere in there somebody would have told me that I have a tipped uterus. So, its my 5th pregnancy and yesterday is the day I find out it is tipped. I was just a bit floored that no doctor shared that info with me previously!


Amie said...

I'm not 100% positive, but I think thats something that can change a bit with pregnancies. With my sister's first pregnancy they told her her cervix was right up front, then with her second pregnancy they said it was tilted back.

Anonymous said...

I do find it odd too. My doctor had told me before I even had Mel that mine was tipped. But I can imagine things moving around after babies.


razorbackmama said...

I think I've been told that too before. But I can't remember! ROFLOL!

Choppzs said...

I hear that it is quite common, although with me, mine is completely backwards!! lol pretty funny huh? That's why they say I don't start showing till well into my 7th month or so! I've heard to that it doesn't really have any affect on anything though. So here's to tipped uteruses and healthy pregnancies! lol

Jodie said...

Go figure...

myboys9802 said...
