Sunday, December 10, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Yes, we have been so busy. Our week consisted of two different homeschool Christmas parties, plus one for Mom's. We had appointments, shopping, school. You name it and it seems as if we had it. Tuesday our party was at the roller rink. The kids had a blast skating- even G for his first time! Zach & I are finally making a will. I went to the base to do a pregnancy test to 'confirm' it. I go back Tuesday to do all of the wonderful paperwork. I was really hoping to go back to the doctor I saw this summer, who also goes to my church. I mean, who really wants to see a military doctor? But the lady who called to confirm my results was SO SUPER nice! And I talked to a lady who is being seen for OB on the base and she had nothing but positive things to say- including that there is a midwife!!! Tonight H had her Christmas program at church. It was very cute and she was a sheep for part of it. I will post pictures probably tomorrow sometime from our week. She must have been nervous up there for she barely smiled and didn't mover her lips much to sing, but she was singing! Just not as loudly as she does at home! Friday night we went to a local church to see their Singing Christmas Tree! If you've never been to one of those you have got to try to go- they are amazing. Even the children sit in amazement and watch! Well, its time for me to either get some food or go to bed. I have been hungry and tired lately, with a mixture of nauseousness. So far no puking!


Christine said...

Wow, you sure have been busy, Jaime. I still need to go for the preliminary pregnancy test at my doctor's office. I keep waiting till hubby can watch the children so they won't be bouncing off the walls at the doctor's office. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy for you. The singing Christmas tree sounds really neat. There was one around here, but I think we just missed it. Have a blessed day!

Choppzs said...

THis sure is a crazy time of year, but I loooove it! I love all the running around, getting gifts, decorating, and baking. Makes for wonderful memories and traditions to pass down to the kids! Again, congrats on the baby, I am so happy for you guys!