Thursday, December 14, 2006

Safety Issues

I think I saw this on somebody's blog, but I also received it in an email. It has not been far from my mind since and every time I get in the car I think about it. I know that our seat belts in our van are not safe (they are crooked and don't lock properly). We also don't have anchors in our van for the car seats. I don't know what we will do, but it worries me- especially with the way people down here drive. So please watch this video from Kyle Miller's family. Just to let you know, it made me cry (get your Kleenex out Jodie)!

Zach just sent me an email about dry trees and fire safety. Now I see why he never wants to get a real tree! If you are interested just click on this link and click the appropriate way to watch it.

That's all folks!


Jodie said...

That was so sad. I did cry. I feel so bad for that family.

Risa said...

I cried too..I checked out the seat and it looks wonderful, but it cost $269.99 and that times two equals WAY too much. Not that my kids aren't worth it, it's just that we don't have that for carseats. I suppose that's when we rely on the power of prayer and know that God has even the worst carseat coverd for us! :)