Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Program Pictures

I also have a video on my myspace page for those who know it. It is of the children singing the last song of the program!
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Jodie said...

Cute pictures! Hannah is such a sweetie.

I remember when we were in Christmas plays together. :) Aw, the memories.

Risa said...

How exciting! :) I used to love our Christmas plays too! :) Remember the - for lack of a cleaner word - "dirty" boots that one of the girls wore to practice that she had previously worn in her barn?! :) I think she was sadly one of the brunts of our many jokes after that!

My kids didn't get to do a Christmas program this year. We had a transition to a new Childrens Pastor and I guess they didn't have time. Had I known I would have volunteered. My kids so far have missed out on the joy of a christmas program! They were too young in MI and then last year the director went into labor and had a baby the DAY of the program and then this year...oh well, I'm sure there is always next year!

Now that I've written a book on your blog, maybe I should go update mine! LOL