Friday, July 25, 2008

It's a Smaller House

And so much easier to clean! Wow, I just dusted the downstairs in like 20-30 minutes, if even! I have yet to clean the floors, but I am taking a break! I guess that is one advantage of a smaller home;) Much of our stuff is in the basement (desk, bookshelves, that sort of thing) and its not like I'll have to dust all that often down there! Yesterday I cleaned upstairs and it was so easy. So, I guess moving to a smaller home has its advantages;) And actually it really doesn't seem too small now. I really love it and feel right at home!


Becca said...

Glad to hear you're feeling at home...and that's one thing I'm not looking forward to in a bigger house....more cleaning to do! But I'm hoping that with 'a place for everything and everthing in its place' that maybe there will be less clutter....might be wishful thinking!

Christine said...

That is terrific, Jamie! I can vacuum my carpeted rooms in about 15 minutes. I love that! ;) Blessings!

Risa said...

I've noticed that as well since we've been in this little apartment. I can clean the whole thing - bathrooms, kitchen, vacuuming, etc. in about an hour - if that, depending on how dirty the kids have gotten things over the week! LOL :)

Angel at Aduladi' said...

That is one of the reasons we have thought about downsizing. Frankly, I cannot keep this place as clean as I could my townhouse which was half the size! Simplicity is what I long for!