Thursday, July 26, 2012

Where have I been?

Wow, I haven't blogged in FOREVER!  I doubt anyone will even see this or read it, it's been THAT long. And to think I used to blog all the time.  I don't even know where to begin...

  • Hannah turned TWELVE in March.  Hard to believe that next year she will be a teenager.  She's supposed to get four teeth pulled here soon and then get braces.  She loves all things French & Paris.
  • Josiah turned double digits in May- 10.  Where has that time gone?  I hug him and he seems so tall and grown to me now.  
  • Also in May we found out we got orders and were going to PCS to Colorado- Buckley AFB in Aurora!  We were super excited, although I was also a bit sad because I LOVE Iowa.  We had to put our house up for sale and now we're doing a short sale on it.  Really hoping it all goes through soon...just waiting on the bank.  Always a waiting game with them.
  • June found us saying good-byes and packing up and leaving.  It was difficult.  It still is difficult.  We arrived in Colorado the last day of the month.  It was breathtakingly beautiful to see the mountains!  We found a nice rental just 2 miles from the base.  The house is huge.  Neighborhood is nothing like what our old one was though, and I miss our neighbors.  Still shopping for a church, I miss our church.  I miss my friends.  I miss Iowa.
  • July found Naomi turning ONE.  Where did that year go???  It found my father-in-law showing up for a visit a wee bit earlier than anticipated and helping us get this house (a rental) up to par.  It found Naomi braving step after step after step and walking all over the house.  It found us exploring our new state, meeting family & new friends.  It's been a VERY tough move and I haven't exactly been the best sport about everything...Jesus forgive me.
I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us here.  I remember a couple of years ago being given a desire to move to Colorado.  I had never been here before, yet the desire became stronger and stronger.  The Lord totally opened the door and a job was open for Zach to apply for and God totally moved and sent us here.  I said all along I believe He has something "big" in store for us here in regards to serving Him.  Lo and behold, the Movie Massacre shooting happened just 5 miles down the road from us only 3 weeks after moving here.  Really shakes you to the core and gets you thinking about what He wants you to do to work for Him and His kingdom.