Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone!  I cannot believe how little I blog anymore.  I always intend to, but life doesn't afford me a lot of time to blog these days, what with 5 kiddos and all.  How do I sum up 2011?  A growing experience for sure.  I had to grow out of my comfort zone to learn to ask for and accept help.  I learned I *can* parent on my own, with my spouse deployed (although I know I'm never really on my "own").  I am so thankful, beyond words, for the people who stepped in to bless our family this year in so many countless ways.  And just when I thought it couldn't get any better we were blessed with many Christmas gifts unexpectedly.  What a huge blessing.  God is so good to us.  He blessed us with a precious baby girl.  He brought my husband home safely.  We're healthy.  We have food, a warm home and clothes.  God is good.  I really cannot complain, can I?  Who am I to be ungrateful?  Speaking of baby girl, how is it she's already almost 6 months old?  About 3 days ago she finally rolled from her back to her belly.  She's been rolling from belly to back for probably 2 months now.  She has her two bottom front teeth.  She sits up pretty well, though I wouldn't leave her unassisted yet.  She's a mama's girl for sure.  She certainly doesn't sleep well at night like she did back in the beginning.  But, can I complain?  No.  I am blessed with the chance to be her mommy!  I have so many friends who'd give anything to have a baby so I really can't and shouldn't complain.  I wonder what 2012 has in store for us.  Will we get orders?  As much as I do love it here, I think I am honestly ready to move.  I want to live on base again.  I am tired of owning our home, a home that we outgrew the minute we moved in!  But, I am thankful we have a home, a roof over our heads, nonetheless.  So, to sum up 2011, it wasn't always easy, what with Zach gone for 7 months of the year, having a baby with him gone, not just any baby but baby number 5, and all the other obstacles, I am thankful for it all because each experience makes me and shapes me into who I am and I pray that I will grow from it and attempt to be who God wants me to be.