Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Dumps

Well, today I am feeling so down in the dumps. It started this afternoon when G woke from his nap so crabby and its just been going downhill since. I think the weather may be affecting it. After all, there is another hurricane brewing out there. That is the last thing I want to deal with. I am not wanting to run away from home again. Oh, why can't I move??? Yesterday we drove down by the front beach in Ocean Springs. We saw the Biloxi-Ocean Springs bridge up close and personal. Crazy. And to see these remains of houses...did I mention the hole's in the ground? It looked like a big crater had dropped and left a hole in the ground in numerous places. And forget grass, the sand is all over. Boats parked up next to houses by the marina. It is unreal to see it for yourself. And we went to one of the many donation spots and got water and I also got this huge package of diapers. I felt so blessed. Yet we feel like we could be doing more to helping people out who have nothing. So, I baked muffins this morning and brought them to the workers where I got our diapers and water from. I think I need another good has been awhile. Usually things seem fine, in my home I try to put it out of my mind. But, driving around and seeing it...and now with Rita threatening (maybe not here, but still I know what feelings people have that are in its path)...just let the tears come...

1 comment:

Choppzs said...

You go ahead and cry, that might be what you need right now just to get through the day!! I feel so bad that another hurricane is coming so soon after katrina. I just hope everyone is much more prepared this time and when they tell them to get out, they do!!! Good luck, I hope you guys avoid this one all together!!