Thursday, July 21, 2011

Outings and Firsts

Naomi had her first outing two days ago.  First we ran to the Air Guard base to see about getting her enrolled in DEERS.  No such luck with that.  I know before we could use just the crib card to enroll baby.  Now they say you need the birth certificate AND social security card.  So let's pray those come in before she's 60 days old!  Geesh, they sure make things difficult!  Then we went to eat at Legends.  Naomi slept through the whole experience and the kids got to watch Spongebob on the TV at our table- they sure thought that was neat.  Afterwards I had to go to a hotel where the Bob Jones people were to order some schoolbooks for the kids.  My mom came in with the kids after awhile and as soon as I took Naomi she blew the loudest poop- the whole room had to have heard!  Too funny!  We then ventured to the mall, which was a miserable experience because it was so darn hot.  It was hot outside, but you'd think they'd have their AC cranked up.  No beans.  I was carrying Naomi in the Ergo and thought maybe it was just me, but my mom was super hot too.  So I just got what I needed and we left.  It was long enough anyway, when you have 5 kids!  I have to say that I got myself a few cute shirts from Old Navy!  I was appalled to see Christmas ornaments out at Hallmark.  Man oh man, ridiculous!

Abby has been potty training and doing such a great job.  She didn't even have any accidents when we were out that day!  I wasn't sure how she'd do having to go on a big potty, but she did GREAT!  SO proud of her!  She is such a big girl.  She was so afraid to poop- she hadn't gone in days and wouldn't go because she was so afraid.  Finally that evening she sat on her potty and pooped the biggest poop.  I was so proud of her!  Isn't it funny the things us moms are proud of!?!  But a first poop on the potty is a big deal!  So far she hasn't gone again.  She is doing great peeing though and does not like when she wets her pants.  It just makes her seem that much bigger- this whole potty thing.  She seems big enough since Naomi was born!

It has been so weird, but I think I really had my first visitors today.  My doula came to visit last week and my friend/neighbor came by with her daughter so she could see (my friend had visited in the hospital), but that was it.  Today I had a few visitors so that was nice!  It was just weird that I hadn't had many.  Maybe people are busy with it being summer or maybe once you have your 5th it's different.  Then I had a few people come to bring meals, mind you people I don't really know, and it was weird but they didn't even say anything about the baby.  Maybe it's just me thinking it's weird though (well, and my mom).  I'd be oohing and aahing over a baby!  But again, maybe that's just me.

Abby talks SO much and copies so many things she hears.  It cracks me up and sometimes she sounds so grown up saying things like "what, I don't know, oh my gosh."  Her newest thing is to say, "I think so."  It caught me off guard the first time I heard her say it.  When I asked her where she got that from she responded with, "Garage sale."  I busted out laughing.  Normally if you ask her where she got her clothes from (or anything of hers really) she will say a garage sale.  She must assume mom only shops at garage sales!  I just love the things that come out of their mouths!

1 comment:

I am OK said...

I love the garage sale comment. Kids are so cute!

And I am with you and your mom, someone stopped by and didn't oooh and ahhh over a newborn!??! Granted I've had baby fever for the last 12 years :)