Monday, November 15, 2010

This morning I had the thought, "I'm going to blog about that today" but now I have no idea what that was in reference to!  I need to just write or type myself a note so I can remember once I finally have a chance to blog.  Today Gabe was a bit sick.  He woke up this morning and came in my room saying he didn't feel well and he just laid there for quite awhile.  He couldn't eat breakfast, said his stomach and head hurt.  I gave him some Tylenol and he laid around most of the morning.  Then he seemed to perk up and got dressed, made his bed (and his brother's), and even ate lunch so in the afternoon I had him do his schoolwork.  He seems fine now, thankfully!  Maybe the more this thing trickles down the less severe it is- I got the worst but I'd rather it be me than them!  Abby's been fine, but her appetite still isn't right and today she had quite a few nasty diapers!

Last night I had the craziest dreams.  The first one was more like a nightmare.  I must have woken up and there were spiders in the corner of the ceiling and they were spinning webs across my room and I just freaked out.  I came downstairs to get Zach and when we went back upstairs there were spiders in another corner too.  It sounds funny now, but it was seriously terrifying- especially when I was laying in the very spots they were above!  Two even came on my headboard!  EWWWW  (Sadie, I know you love this dream!  lol). 

The other dream I had was of me at a doctors office.  I think they were doing a vaginal ultrasound and it was right around all these windows!!!!  All these med students came in and it was just really weird.  I was even freaking out on my way home about driving home in snow!!??  Weird to remember both dreams in one night- I haven't remembered one in quite some time.

On a totally different note, I've been using quite a few Pampered Chef recipes lately.  Do you know you can find them online?  Here I keep buying their cookbooks!  The last few things I've made from there consist of putting the skillet in the oven!  It's so easy and yet delicious!  Speaking of food, I really need to make a menu up and figure out our Thanksgiving menu.  I guess it's just us...I should invite some people over but I just assume most have family around to go to.  I did invite a friend's sister who is alone in Des Moines, but I'm not sure she'll come!  I really want to open my home to people who have nowhere to go (maybe college students at church).  That always meant a lot to me when I was in college.  Hmm, maybe I need to contact my church about this...


Our4Monkeys said...

I would be TOTALLY freaked out by that dream!! It made me shudder just to read that...

I had a weird dream last night. We went to a concert and Nate got all weird and then started smoking. So, I told him I was divorcing him. LOL! So strange...

Kim said...

Oh yeah I would be freaked out too. Did you wake up all itchy? I know when I see a spider or something it always feels like something is on me after that. That would be a great idea to have some college students or people over who have nowhere to go. That may mean alot to someone, you never know. hope everyone is starting to feel better around there

Me said...

Well hello cousin :) I's been forever since I've come by :) I've had myself a few very strange dreams lately too. I think I like mine better than yours :)

Sherry said...

Paul always "loves" when I get him out of bed to come and kill a spider, lol ~ thankfully it doesn't happen often.
I did not know that you could find P. Chef recipes online. I am going to check that out!

Amie said...

I've always enjoyed the years when we have had little quiet Thanksgivings. I wouldn't want that EVERY year, but every once in awhile it's nice.

Anonymous said...

Glad the kids are not getting very sick:) We have had a nasty bug going around this base and I don't want it!

Dreams......They can be so real!

I am OK said...

Bad dreams are the worst. I think I am going to try to forget yours was about spiders! GROSS!!!!!

Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.