Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I forgot to mention my way cool gift. Will have to post a picture, but Zach got me this beautiful gold Mother's Ring with the birthstones of Little Princess, Little Man and Cuddly boy, plus the baby in heaven. I was SO excited! My question was, "What about the baby and any others to come?" Turns out you can add more to the ring- I never knew that! So, that made my day!!! Thanks honey!
We had a real relaxing weekend and Christmas. We really didn't do anything. Friday night we had a Sunday School Christmas party and that was a lot of fun, but other than that life has been real quiet. Christmas day we woke up, opened our gifts and had fun putting things together! I took two naps and finally got enough energy to cook up some food (can't type about it now for fear of getting sick). We had a real quiet, relaxing nice family day. Today was much of the same only I've been doing laundry all day and trying to get a bit of housework done. I have just been so tired and constantly feeling sick that I have to take breaks often. Tonight as I took my vitamin and tried to swallow it down I just knew I was going to puke. Sure first time puking with this pregnancy. I must say that I feel better, but I sure hate puking. Poor Zach was in the shower and about to lose it in there hearing me. Tomorrow we head to Destin for a little vacation. Please pray that I don't constantly get sick. I feared that once I started to puke it would be the end from there- that I'd always be puking. I hope that isn't the case! Hope you all had a blessed Christmas! Will try to post some pictures when we return!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Name Changes
OK, I have been thinking on this for some time. I'm going to give the kids different names in my blog. I already have their names down to the beginning letter, but I thought I'd use a bit more creativity. You just never know who reads my blog and could obtain info, so to try to protect my family...
My dear daughter, H, who is six will be Little Princess.
My sweet boy, J, who is four will be Little Man.
My cuddly boy, G, who is two will be Cuddly Boy.
And that is that! So please try to remember to use these names in your comments (!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Last Sunday
I only spent about 4 hours in the kitchen this morning baking. Well, that includes the clean-up effort which took awhile. I baked fudge, chocolate crinkles, sugar cookies, ginger cookies and peanut blossoms. I am worn out and in need of a bath! But, I have cookies for a party tonight and for some friends, plus enough for us to enjoy some! What a relief to be done with my baking!
Double-Decker Fudge
OK, OK here it is! Last night I finally baked some Peanut Blossoms and Ginger cookies. I'm not too happy about the way the Peanut Blossoms turned out. I couldn't find my usual recipe so I raced to the computer and got one- the cookies are falling apart. Oh well, they're pretty much only for Zach anyway and not ones that I planned to give away. This morning I already have some cookies done and many more to go. My fudge is cooling so I will give you the recipe at last. It is from one of my Taste of Home cookbooks. Enjoy!
1 1/2 tsp. butter (no substitutes), softened
2 2/3 cup milk chocolate chips
1 cup creamy peanut butter, divided
2 tbs. shortening, divided
2 23/ cup vanilla or white chips
Line a 13x9x2 in pan with foil and grease the foil with butter; set aside. In a heavy saucepan, melt the milk chocolate chips, 1/2 cup peanut butter and 1 tbs. shortening over low heat; cook and stir constantly until smooth. Pour into prepared pan. Refrigerate for 10 minutes or until firm. Meanwhile, in a heavy saucepan, melt the vanilla chips and remaining peanut butter and shortening over low heat; cook and stir until smooth. Spread evenly over the chocolate layer. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until firm. Using foil, lift the fudge out of pan; Gently peel off the foil; cut into 1 in. squares. Makes about 2 1/2 pounds.
There ya have it!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Christmas Movies, Baking, Weather, Blah
Last night Zach and J went to see the new Rocky movie so I put in a new Christmas movie for H, G and I. It was a bargain movie from CBD called 'The Littlest Angel'. If you ever want to buy a bargain movie from them, think about it...our VCR doesn't have tracking for some reason so all throughout the screen kept on hopping. It was an alright movie- had a good storyline but was more musical than what I'm used to watching! We also bought 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' and this one turned out fine- the kids love this movie! Maybe its because the angel movie is an old one.
I have yet to start baking again, but seeing as we have a Christmas party again tomorrow night I will have to bake at some point today or tomorrow. One thing I plan to make is fudge. This recipe I have is so delicious! My friend's husband has requested some, so once it is made I will be making a trip to give him some! Will post the recipe sometime today!
What ever happened to 'It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas'. My daughter knows that today is the first day of winter (she has been waiting for this day) and she wants to play in snow! However, being down in the south, snow is rare- especially the type of snow I am used to! So, I told her maybe one day we will move where we get LOTS of snow- after all on Zach's dream sheet we have places such as- Illinois, Nebraska, Montana, Alaska, Idaho. So, we're bound to get snow some year! We just gotta move! Today it is raining. At least it is dreary like the UP today and not hot and sunny like earlier in the week! Sometimes it just doesn't seem like Christmas with no snow. Bah humbug!
The flu bug may have entered our home but it is hard to know. I'm sure my ill feelings are related to this pregnancy, but my dear girl has a little cough and is real tired today. I sure hope Mr. Flu bug decides to stay away so we can enjoy a nice, quiet Christmas as a family. We may even venture to Destin, FL for a few days. The kids love to stay in hotels and it will give us a chance to get away from home and see Destin (even though its not warm enough to swim, I know it will be a blast). From pictures I've seen it looks absolutely beautiful. But, it doesn't compare to snow at Christmas...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Happy Birthday Zach
Here are 28 things about my husband, Zach. Happy 28Th Birthday Honey! I love you!
1. He has such a love for the Lord and the Word.
2. He remembers Scripture just like that- can quote so many verses and tell you so many stories from the Bible.
3. He has a huge heart for the lost, wanting to see people turn to Jesus.
4. He is a wonderful and loving husband.
5. He is a great father.
6. You will see him down on the floor playing with the children- Legos, GI Joes, Barbies, wrestling- he loves to play with his children.
7. He helps with feeding the children, bathing them and putting them to bed on a regular basis.
8. He allows me to 'get out' when I need to get away for awhile.
9. He perseveres through jobs he cannot stand with co-workers who do not like him.
10.He has always provided for us financially and I've not had to work.
11. Zach loves the Green Bay Packers. He always says he's going to find a new team when the Packers do so badly but he sticks by them each and every season.
12. He enjoys boxing and I think he'd like to get in the ring again someday.
13. His family is a bunch of carpenters- building their own houses and all. Zach's never been taught the trade but can make some great things out of wood- so far he's made a train table and 'fort' for the children.
14. He is part Native American.
15. He will stand up and fight for what he believes in even if he's the only one in the room to believe it.
16. He has big muscles.
17. He has strong hands.
18. He gives wonderful hugs and kisses.
19. He always tells us he loves us.
20. He enjoys watching movies.
21. Zach has two brothers and one sister. His brother has 4 boys and his sister has 4 girls!
22. Zach and his brother who is single are both in the United States Air Force.
23. When he puts his mind to something he will see it through.
24. He would love to be a pastor.
25. He loves to have people over and be hospitable.
26. He loves Reese's Peanut butter cups.
27. Tonight instead of going out to dinner he wants his wife's cooking.
28. His children love and adore him and always look forward to when he returns from work. His wife loves him above all others (besides the Lord) and is so blessed to say that she is HIS wife, that only she knows Zach like nobody else.
Happy Birthday my Loving husband!!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
More Bullets!
- This morning I took the children to see Charlotte's Web. It was so cute- definitely something I'll get when it comes out on DVD!
- Last night our adult choir at church had their Christmas program. I didn't plan on going until I found out the children's choir were singing two songs in it. I am so glad that we went! It was absolutely wonderful! Afterwards they had fellowship and the most wonderful food a pregnant lady could ask for;)
- Yesterday the children and I went to a birthday party for Jesus. It was so 'southern' to me- it was absolutely gorgeous. A grandma put it together (and her daughter who I know) and it was just amazing the little foods they had. Reminded me of a tea party!
- Is it really December? It is 75 degrees out and SO beautiful. When the children wake from their naps I'm throwing them outside;) It just does not seem like Christmas is next week with such gorgeous weather!
- Mondays and Thursdays are my laundry days. My princess has got this down! This morning as I'm lounging around she walks up to me with a dirty pair of pants to ask which pile they go in. She was sorting the laundry without my even asking her to! I am SO blessed!
- I cannot stop being hungry, tired and nauseous. It is very tiring, but at the same time I am praising God. I don't remember ever being as hungry as I've felt, but then again I never remember all of the joys of pregnancy! Add to that my forgetfulness lately... Oh boy, it is going to be a long road until August!
- I have taught H to play Uno and it is so much fun! It is amazing to me how much she is growing up. If I thought about it too much I'd probably cry, seeing as everything makes me cry lately!
- Ok, I need to finish up my Christmas letters, envelopes, pictures, get the idea. So, this bulleted updated list will have to do for now (and it still doesn't show its bulleted when I look at my blog).
Friday, December 15, 2006
Happy Friday!
- Today we finally took our family photo for our Christmas cards. I have typed up the annual letter and addressed some envelopes. I have only a few more gifts to buy and then I am done shopping. What a relief!
- Today we went to see the movie 'The Nativity Story'. It was VERY good! I cried at parts that didn't even require tears...I'm very hormonal! I am so thankful for the wonderful Christian movies that have been playing in theaters lately. In addition to this one there's been 'Facing the Giants' and 'One Night With the King'. We try to go to these movies to show our support and let Hollywood know we need them to make more movies like this. We have yet to see 'One Night With the King' though.
- Today we got Krispy Kreme doughnuts- the first time in about 2 1/2 years!!! I am SO floored and think I will eat another when I'm done here!
- Who would think at 7 weeks you'd have to buy maternity clothes? For awhile now I've only had about 3 pairs of jeans that fit me so today I hauled off to Motherhood Maternity and bought some non-maternity looking jeans! Thanks to Amie for showing me these when she was visiting!
- I have been sleeping like a log! I fall asleep and I sleep so soundly. Today we all slept until 8:40! I'm not sure why we were all so tired but it was wonderful! Normally I've been in bed after 8 pm lately!
- Today was the first time I ordered pictures online! I just hope they turn out how I want them to. It sure took me awhile to figure it I get to pick them up when we go shopping tomorrow. Seeing as how easy that was I think I'll order pictures more often. It is sad that I have hardly a picture of G because I've been using a digital camera so much.
I know there was more I was going to post but that doughnut is calling my name! Why do bullets not show up on my blog???????????? How annoying!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Safety Issues
I think I saw this on somebody's blog, but I also received it in an email. It has not been far from my mind since and every time I get in the car I think about it. I know that our seat belts in our van are not safe (they are crooked and don't lock properly). We also don't have anchors in our van for the car seats. I don't know what we will do, but it worries me- especially with the way people down here drive. So please watch this video from Kyle Miller's family. Just to let you know, it made me cry (get your Kleenex out Jodie)!
Zach just sent me an email about dry trees and fire safety. Now I see why he never wants to get a real tree! If you are interested just click on this link and click the appropriate way to watch it.
That's all folks!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hump Day
I can't believe it is already Wednesday! Where has the week gone? I am getting very behind on my blogging lately but I've been really tired and nauseous. I am not complaining. I prayed to be sick. I felt sick all morning until I ate lunch. I still don't feel 100% great but I feel better. But, I am thankful for the nauseousness because I am thankful to be pregnant. Two nights ago I dreamt the doctor from my last pregnancy told me there was two sacs- twins. Last night I had a dream that I had a boy. I really don't trust my intuition anymore since I was completely off thinking G was a girl!
I went to my 'intake' appointment yesterday to fill out all of the paperwork. It took over an hour and I was seen right away. At first I was thinking how I wanted to just get home, but once I thought about it more I was thankful that they didn't just shoo me out but took time with me. The base clinic has a midwife and that is who I requested to see. When I've told my family that they assumed I meant a home birth, but that is not the case. The base hospital is getting a new OB unit to open next month. I am excited about that. They schedule you for 40 minute appointments! That seems like such a long time, but at least they take time with you instead of rushing through your appointments. I'm so excited to see how it all goes!
The other night Zach found in the garage. It is a black widow. Pretty freaky! I'm thankful it wasn't in the actual house but now I'm a bit nervous!
What do I do in this situation? My neighbor, bless her heart, wants to get my family a year membership for a local 'children's museum' which is over $100. I told her she does not have to do that. I know it is a season of giving and some people can give more than others. I am unable to give gifts to friends (besides maybe cookies or other goodies) as we just cannot afford it when we have family and it is hard enough shopping for them. I just am at a loss as what to do. I think it is very sweet of her, but there's no way I can reciprocate such a gift of that kind. Just wanted to know your thoughts.
Speaking of shopping this year seems extremely difficult in that department. I finally figured out what to get my children, but I'm at a loss for things for Zach & our parents. I've been meaning to take a family picture of us and haven't done that. I feel so behind on things. But, I don't think I'm the only one as I've not gotten nearly as many Christmas cards as usual at this point. But, if you get your letter from us late just don't be surprised.
At nap time I put a sign over my doorbell that reads, "Children are napping. Please do not disturb. Thanks." This really helps with people ringing the doorbell at nap time- be it neighbors, the mailman, etc. It just saved me from the Jehovah Witnesses knocking at my door too!
That's all for now folks! Hopefully it won't be so long until my next post...and hopefully I'll be able to catch up on yours soon!
Christmas Program Pictures
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Busy, Busy, Busy
Yes, we have been so busy. Our week consisted of two different homeschool Christmas parties, plus one for Mom's. We had appointments, shopping, school. You name it and it seems as if we had it. Tuesday our party was at the roller rink. The kids had a blast skating- even G for his first time! Zach & I are finally making a will. I went to the base to do a pregnancy test to 'confirm' it. I go back Tuesday to do all of the wonderful paperwork. I was really hoping to go back to the doctor I saw this summer, who also goes to my church. I mean, who really wants to see a military doctor? But the lady who called to confirm my results was SO SUPER nice! And I talked to a lady who is being seen for OB on the base and she had nothing but positive things to say- including that there is a midwife!!! Tonight H had her Christmas program at church. It was very cute and she was a sheep for part of it. I will post pictures probably tomorrow sometime from our week. She must have been nervous up there for she barely smiled and didn't mover her lips much to sing, but she was singing! Just not as loudly as she does at home! Friday night we went to a local church to see their Singing Christmas Tree! If you've never been to one of those you have got to try to go- they are amazing. Even the children sit in amazement and watch! Well, its time for me to either get some food or go to bed. I have been hungry and tired lately, with a mixture of nauseousness. So far no puking!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006
Saturday G had a birthday party to go to. I think it was the first one he's gone to for one of his little friends. He was the one to break open the pinata by pulling on the right string! Zach & the other two went shopping that while and then that night we watched Home Alone 2.
Sunday was busy with church-related stuff. That night I had a Christmas party. It was with a bunch of other homeschooling moms. It was so much fun! I got a nice gift to take home and there was some wonderful food there. Well worth it, although I didn't get home until 11 pm! I am dragging today! I think I've finally come up with some ideas of what to buy the family for Christmas so I think tonight I'm going to go shopping. Hope you all had a blessed weekend!
Friday, December 01, 2006
The Reason Behind It All
So, I discovered today that Aunt Flo has decided not to visit for at least a year. Turns out we ''had a visit from God" a few weeks ago, as Nancy Campbell puts it. I am surprised as I honestly didn't think it could be, although we were 'trying'! Explains my moodiness. Please pray that I will trust God's hand to be upon this baby. I am very excited but also a bit nervous as I do not want to go through what I did a couple of months ago. According to my calculations the baby will be due on my Grandpa's birthday, August 4. I am just praising GOD for the new life growing inside of me though!!!