Sunday, January 22, 2006

Proverbs from the Mouths of Babes

Has anybody ever kept a journal of their children's sayings? I have been thinking lately alot about the things my dear children say. Some of the following can be heard at times:
"Mommy, when I get big I'm going to paint my living room orange."
"I'm a scherba."
"I want 4 girls and 1 boy. If I don't I will cry and pray to Jesus."

Not to mention all of the questions they ask:

"What does humble mean?"
"Did God made everything?"
"Mommy, can I marry you?"
So, I've been thinking how it would be neat to write down some of the things they say throughout the day. That way I can look back and laugh (especially at those times they're driving me bonkers), and it will be a great thing for them to read when they're older. Has anybody done anything like this or heard of anything like this? Not sure how good I will be at doing it...running to the notebook every time something cute comes out of their mouth, but it is worth a shot!


Amie said...

Its a good idea. I know sometimes I think I will never forget some of the things they say, but recently when I read thru some of my blog archives I was surprised at how many things I had already forgot.

I love the 4 girls and a boy. LOL Its funny how kids think things can just turn out a certain. I was talking a girl once and she told me the names of her furture kids. Of course it was 2 girl names and 2 boy names.

Bethany said...

I actually have a category on my blog dedicated to just this thing. I call it "Out of the Mouths of Babes". I do not do it often enough though....

they do say some terribly funny things when they are small.

Risa said...

My mom is always telling me that I should write those kinds of things down. That's kinda why I started my blog...though I don't run to the computer and put it down everytime one of them say something cute or funny either...I guess even if you get a few though, it would be worth it! :)

Anonymous said...

I write all the crazy things my daughter says, in a journal. Two minutes ago she told me I don't appreciater her enough. LOL! I have the journal at my bedside and write in it before bed. The entire 1st year of both my daughters life I had journaled. With how tiring the first year is I know I would never remember what life was like. It was one of the best things I could have done, I did forget a lot! Now I use the same journal for the sayings. My plan is to give each journal to the girls when they decide they are going to have children.