Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I think maybe I am finally on the mend. I took the Cytotec pills that I was so nervous to take and they did absolutely nothing. They were supposed to cause my uterus to contract to get everything out. I finally called the doctor last night and I went in this morning for another ultrasound. It was a relief to actually see with my own eyes that there really wasn't a baby in there. I guess I still had some hope that maybe all would be ok. I needed closure I think. But there is a huge blood clot in my uterus that still needs to pass. Luckily the doctor isn't big on D&C's (because I'm not either). So, I still wait for the physical part of this to be over. You know how at night when you are pregnant you lie in bed and rub your tummy thinking of the baby? Last night I started to do that and realized I have no baby in there. I bawled like a baby. I feel like I've gone through everything with having a baby yet have no baby to hold. Sure is an empty feeling. Yet I still have peace. Most of the time I rest in the fact that the Lord is holding this precious child and loving him or her. There are still some times though when I just want to hold that child myself and scream in my head, "WHY????".


Choppzs said...

I am glad to hear you are doing well! I hope this is all over with soon, and you can get back to normal. normal as you can get after the experience I mean. My prayers are still with you all!

DDanielle said...

I was thinking of you today...I have no idea what you are going through, but I thought it must feel just like you said. Feeling like you have gone through the pregnancy, but not have a baby. My prayers continue to be with you.

Me said...

I've been praying for you guys. I hope this all passes soon. My heart goes out to you and aches with you. Big hugs to you all!

Unknown said...

I'm a visitor from the PEAK board . . .thank you for sharing with us. I'm sorry that you've lost a precious life. I've had the same experience ~ I'm aware of the painful emotions that seek to overtake. My prayers for you ~ that God will be your refuge and your strength.