Tuesday, September 05, 2006

How Do You Spell Relief? N-A-P-T-I-M-E

That's right. If it wasn't for naptime I would not be a sane woman. I still make H, at 6, lay in her bed for awhile and have a quiet time. I need that time! This morning I am not sure what J's problem was, but he wanted to cry about every little thing. And it grated on me. I still have a headache. He and G seem to fight alot lately over toys. I need to really work with them on that one. I know the solution, I just need to get my butt in gear and do my work in it. But it is hard. Do you ever lay in bed at night and think over your day and what you could have done differently? Maybe I shouldn't have yelled. Maybe I should have played dollhouse. Why didn't I do this or that? And then I think, well tomorrow is a new day and I will ask God to give me strength not to yell and I will spend time doing what needs to be done (spending time with the children). The morning comes and immediately you are woken by a child banging on your wall or up too early or they are already fighting. And you wonder if you will have the strength to make it through one hour of the day. But today I have made it to naptime. Hooray!

And I know that this is all worth it. I have nowhere else I'd rather be, although sometimes I just wish I could send my kids away for a couple of hours for some peace and quiet. But that is ok. Before I know it it is time for Zach to come home and that seems to be a relief. Another adult to help with things!

Then there are times when I struggle to read something over so much noise, and I feel I am yelling to read and do school. But, eventually it quiets. Did I mention that I made our playroom more efficient for schooling? My closet in here ROCKS! I am going to get a childproof handle to put on the door- but I put special toys in there for the 2 year old to play with during school. Today he even did some school with us! So, we have our roller coaster moments here. Up. Down. Up. Down. Sometimes I feel I will puke, but I make sure to walk away and take a break from the dizziness of it all.

Another nuisance of my day is that yesterday I think I finally quit bleeding. It was 4 weeks on Friday that the whole ordeal happened. I called the doctor last week and talked to a nurse. Sunday I saw the doctor at church and he told me I could go on birth control to regulate my body. No way. I don't do birth control. So, I just prayed that God would regulate my body. Then I quit bleeding. However, today it seems to have possibly come back. I am SOOOO tired of it. I just want my body back to normal now.

To end on a funny note, yesterday I was doing math with H. I put a car on her desk and asked her how many cars there were. She said 'One'. Then I asked her how many giraffes there were (zero) and she answered 'One'. I look down at her desk and forget that the stenciling on her desk is of a Noah's Ark scene, and there as big as can be is a giraffe;) I thought it was too funny!


Amie said...

Jonah is our only napper here! Although the older three are always keeping each other busy so it still feels like a break for me. Praying for the bleeding to stop, I can't believe it hasn't yet.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean Jamie. I feel the same way and am very blessed that Melina has started taking naps again after not taking them for so long. I loathe for that naptime and some peace and quiet. Now if I could just get some bon bons and some good movies:-) Shari

Me said...

I hear ya....I live for naptime, especially when I need a nap :)

Christine said...

I agree wholeheartedly about naptime... it is my sanity time.My 3 year old doesn't really nap anymore, so I try to at least get her to rest. Many prayers for you that God will heal your body. I admire you for sticking to your convictions, regardless of others.Blessings to you!

ChicoryChick said...

NAPTIME is my favorite time of day! :) My 8 and 6 yo DD's have to play quietly in their room or listen to a tape! my oldest boy is in his room and baby boy (3) is in my room. Sometimes I even lay down and have a nap!. Hoping the bleeding stops real soon, 4 weeks is a long time!

Choppzs said...

I LOOOOOVVVE naptime. I think it's my favorite part of the day. I always try to make it to where Crazy Boy goes to nap at the same time as Baby Boy. Sometimes it doesnt work out, but at least when one is sleeping, I only have the other one to deal with. lol Sometimes I get so flustered too, and want to pull out my hair. It happens to the best of us! lol

Anne said...

Hey sweetie,
You are not alone! I have to pray constantly for patience and gentleness and still fail at times. I'm so thankful that God never fails, and that when I do, I can rely on Him.