Tuesday, May 01, 2007


WOW! That is what I thought when I saw my comment from Anna that she gave me this award. I don't really consider my blog one that is thought provoking, like many others I read. I don't often offer Biblical insight or homeschool ideas like those I glean from other blogs. Therefore, I am in shock. But thankful. Thanks Anna! And, you are right. I am honest in my posts. Why hide behind a shiny, pretty facade. I am who I am. So, I am to give this award to five people. And my five people need to give it to five people and add the picture. I hope these ladies haven't already received the reward, and if so, sorry!

1. Teena- she is one of the most encouraging blogs I read. I 'knew' of her from an Above Rubies egroup well before I began reading her blog. I always receive such encouragement from her blog. And I love to hear stories of her children.

2. Christine- though I've never met her in person I feel like I know her. She has offered such prayers and encouragement on my behalf and been a true Sister in Christ. I have gotten many great homeschooling ideas from her posts, as well as encouragement about motherhood and life in general.

3. Paige- we went through so much of the same stuff at the same time. Her words echo my thoughts and feelings. Though I wish she didn't have to go through the same dark valley that I did, I'm thankful to have somebody who understand firsthand, and was right there in that same valley.

4. Lindsey- I know she has already been nominated for this, but she is so real and down-to-earth. She offers such insight to things that I never even think of.

5. Amie- she is my sister-in-law. She has 4 boys (ages 7 and under) and a baby girl on the way. She is on bed rest. I cannot fathom how she does it with 4 boys. I have a hard time with 2! Not only does she have a great blog and not only is she a great mom, but she is a great friend. We never tire of things to talk about and I'm blessed to have her as a 'sister'!


Choppzs said...

I know, I know, my blog sucks!! ;) lol

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Congrats on winning an aware, Jamie! You certainly are very real and I know most of us can appreciate that! You sound like you are doing okay. I had to laugh at your Target comment. Where we lived just a few short months ago, we were in a void of some sort. LOL We had no target and had to drive an hour for decent groceries. ugh! So glad to be in a new place!

Anonymous said...

thanks for picking me! Not sure how encouraging I am... but thanks anyway! LOL

I do not even know how to put the little pic of "thinking blog award" up.... someone else does my blog for me.... I mean the graphics. LOL

so not sure if I can participate???

I think you are REAL! *smile*

Choppzs said...

New blog addy Jamie!!