Monday, August 16, 2010

Does she think I'm a stalker?

There's this gal I kinda 'know'. I've mentioned her in the past, I believe. Her husband died over 6 months ago from cancer. She's a young woman with two young children. Back on Valentine's Day I brought her and her children some goodies, even though I had never met her before that. She probably thought I was a nutcase! I also sent her a few messages via facebook letting her know I was praying for her. I read her blog too. I wonder what she thinks of me!!! I saw her at Hy-vee today and went up to her and said hi. She was probably like, "WHO are YOU and why do you bother me???" I told her my name and reminded her who I was and that I go to the same church. I talked for a few minutes, but left wondering what she must think of this crazy woman who doesn't even know her! I hope she just knows that I pray for her often, I think of her often and I can't imagine the road she is walking down as a widow. I wish there were more I could do for her, besides pray. But she probably thinks I'm just a nutcase...


I am OK said...

Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking too. Especially when I am offering help or condolences. I wonder if they really want the words or prayers or if they think I am nutcase. But, obviously when they look back they'll see that people were praying and cared. Sounds like she is still going through a rough time and it is nice that you are on her side. :P)

Darlene said...

Perhaps God put you in each others path. Ever think of it that way? Maybe she needs to know that people care.