Sunday, August 22, 2010

Are you a feminist?

I discovered, or rather rediscovered, a site that has so many encouraging articles...I could be there for hours! It's linked on my sidebar and it's called Ladies Against Feminism. I'm currently reading a book called Passionate Housewives Desperate for God (LAF is one of the authors' sites) and it is so wonderful and filled with so much truth- very eye opening indeed. It is so difficult in our day and age to be grounded in the truth concerning our roles as women. This book totally hits the nail on the head- how encouraging! It just solidifies for me that I'm doing what God has called me to do!

Here's a snippet from it:

true life is found in death; true happiness is found in sacrifice; true peace is found in giving away our comforts and security.
There is so much more truth and encouragement filled in this book! This was just one of the last things I read that stuck out to me. And it is so opposite what our world teaches us. They teach us to look out for ourselves, to find happiness within ourselves, and it doesn't tell us anything about giving away our comforts!!! How I need to die to myself, to sacrifice my wants for the things God has called me to do for my family and to continually put aside my comforts & security- then will I find life, happiness and peace!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

That's a great book, one I try to read every so often. Jerks me right back to where I need to be!!