Tuesday, November 29, 2005

King & Queen

Today in school we talked about Queen Esther. We made scepters and goblets, and we talked about what we would do if we were king or queen. Even J participated today! Here are the stories they made. I asked them the questions and they came up with their own answers. I really got a kick out of J's.

If I Were King
J would live in a hotel.
J would wear a Batman mask.
J would eat hotel food.
J would play with Play-doh.

If I Were Queen
H would live in a castle.
H would wear queen clothes.
H would eat cookies.
H would go potty and go to bed.


Choppzs said...

Man, it's pretty bad when my answers are about the same as the kid's answers!!! lol Only I would add some money to the mix!! But right now, sitting on the potty and going to bed and eating some cookies sounds really good!! lol

Amie said...

LOL sounds like J has a thing about hotels! :D