Wednesday, January 31, 2007

NOT from my mouth....

Two days in a row now Little Princess has exclaimed, "Math is fun!" She also requested to do it first today!!!!! So, we overcame our struggles and we're now playing with seals in the water to learn subtraction facts! Who wouldn't have fun doing that??? Like I is not from my mouth. I hate math!


Amie said...

Thats great! One of the things I have decided from the start was that I did not want to pass on my bad attitude about math. Hopefully our kids will see math different than us.

Jodie said...

I always liked math. Go Lil' Princess!

Becca said...

Remember math in Miller's class? I seriously disliked that man.

Jamie said...

How could I forget!!! I shudder at the thought. Well, I shudder at the thought of every math class I had! Thankfully I do enjoy (so far, most days) teaching math. Not sure what I will do when we get to geometry and all that other stuff...