Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blah

Well, the week is flying by. Some moments are good, others not so good. Right now I am about to throw away all of the children's toys and books. The boys take out EVERY thing when I do school. It is very frustrating, especially when they take forever cleaning it up. Right now every book is off of the bookshelf in the closet. I purposely put things in the closet awhile ago so that they wouldn't get in there. I put a child thing on the doorknob, but they can still open it. So, tonight Zach will put a LOCK on the top of the door. At times I think my exercising and taking the St. Johns Wort is helping, but at other times I'm not so sure. I wish there were some magical cure for this, as one minute I could be fine, but the next I'm not. They say its 'normal' but for me it isn't normal and so I find myself getting more and more frustrated with how I am.

I forgot to say/post a Happy Birthday to my mom on Tuesday! She is now 50!!! Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you! I wish we could have been there to celebrate with her, but what can you do? I keep rubbing in that she is 50! She certainly doesn't look 50...she looks so much younger.

Cuddly boy had his first dentist appointment yesterday. He did fine. Well, he has to go back for his cleaning on Monday. Why they can't just make the cleaning the same day is beyond me. Talk about a waste of gas!

No big plans for our weekend. Our lawn needs to be mowed, the oil needs to be changed, the house cleaned, yet Zach will be spending Saturday watching The Draft. So, I will try to find something for the kids and I to do so I don't feel cooped up in the house yet another day! Well, I better go and clean up these books that are scattered everywhere...


Risa said...

Happy Birthday A. Darlene! :) We love and miss you lots, maybe we will see you next week! :)

My kids do the same thing with their toys. I'm sure it's pretty normal. The thing that probably isn't normal is that we try to teach our children to pick up the mess, rather than just yelling (I'm not saying that I DON'T yell!) and doing for them. :)

Anonymous said...

You too on Saturday? My husband just can't understand why I don't want to sit and watch the loooong boooooring thing with him aaaallll day.

Anonymous said...

I've had to put locks on several of our doors - and need to do several more. My son is just a natural at destroying, I guess! It's hard not to lose it all the time.