Saturday, April 28, 2007

That Tag...I am Weird

Beth tagged me and here is what you're supposed to do- tell 10 strange/weird/interesting things about you and then tag 10 people. I just did this on my myspace, but I'm changing some of my answers on here. I made it private in myspace, only so my friends can see, because some of it is more personal. Also, some of my answers may not be weird to some of you homeschoolers who are also QF! I get to think of some new ones... I know, I know, shouldn't be too hard considering how weird I am, but, well, it is hard...

1. I cannot swim real well and hate going in deep water.

2. I've always wanted a pet monkey.

3. Growing up I always had weird neighbors- one who said he was the Anti-Christ, one who peeked into my bedroom window through his bathroom window, and somebody who had been a Peeping Tom.

4. I didn't know how to cook until I was married. I could cook up a mean hot dog or box of macaroni and cheese in college, but beyond that I didn't know much. Now my husband deems me a fine cook;)

5. I have a social work degree yet am probably too conservative to ever be a social worker, if I had to be!

6. I never remember movies I've seen. I could look at the cover and read the back and still not remember if I've seen it. I have to ask Zach.

7. I HATE iced tea. Which may not be weird to you Northerner's, but living in the south, sometimes it seems like that is ALL they offer!

8. I had the biggest fear of living in the East and South. I thought you'd always see roaches skittering down the sidewalks and across floors- or flying straight for your forehead! Boy, was I disillusioned!

9. I obsessively wash my hands a million times a day- especially when I come home from somewhere- anywhere. I feel like they're so dirty and germy!

10. I have a fear of the dark. I have since I was a wee girl. Sometimes I lay in bed at night thinking I hear the noises of somebody breaking in or thinking I smell fire. It's from watching too many horror movies as a kid.

There ya have it. I'm too tired to think of anybody to tag, so if you decide to play along just let me know!


ChicoryChick said...

Oh good you didnt tag me so now I dont have to tell you how weird I really am! if you didnt know. I've been meaning to visit you , but never think about it when I am online...or if I do, I get interupted at that moment (I know with kids of your own you have no idea what I am talking about. :) )Glad to see things are going better!

Becca said...

A monkey? Really? Hey, watch what you say about your neighbors considering my grandparents were all neighbors of yours! =)
I adore iced fact Pete and I both became addicted to your southern sweet tea while we were there! My sister's husband has a degree in social work from Northern too but couldn't really see himself doing that either so he went on to get an OT degree so that's what he does now.

Christine said...

Hi Jamie! This was a lot of fun to read. I also was not a good cook when I first got married.(I did not even know how to make mac and cheese.) I would cry because hubby knew how to cook far better than I did. God was faithful to help me in that regard, as well.
Sweet tea is my favorite! I have to really try to stay away from it during pregnancy, so as not to have a sugar baby! Blessings!