Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Right now, Princess is copying the Preamble to the Constitution. Did I tell her to do this? No, she asked if she could write it! She LOVES history, just like her daddy. Today we talked about George Washington, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I love watching her fascination as I read facts to her.

Little Man has amazed me the past few days. When my mom was here she asked him if he could write his name, and she spelled out the letters and he wrote them down. Besides the J being backwards he did an awesome job! We bought the three Explode the Code Primers for him and I started that with him yesterday. Thanks for telling me about those, Canaan. He loved it and he even knew what sound F said (I was amazed). I just never really think he pays attention, and here he does.

Poor Cuddly Boy is trying to adjust to his cast. He scoots himself all over the house on his bottom and sometimes I'll find him crawling with his casted leg trailing behind. It is so pathetically sad, yet cute. Makes me think of a baby! At times he still says he doesn't want it on him, but hopefully he'll get used to it. I think he is killing my back though. Yesterday afternoon my back really started hurting. I couldn't figure out if I was getting sick and achy or if it is from carrying him around. I really think its from trying to carry him. It will be nice when he starts walking on it! I was able to get the dentist appointments moved up to Monday. Thanks for everybody's advice on that!


Amie said...

Maybe Princess might be interested in the "Dear America" books. They are about historical events told in a diary form thru the eyes of young girls.

Me said...

Sounds like everyone's doing good down there! Hope your back feels better soon!

Christine said...

I am glad you are doing well. Princess sounds so diligent; it is awesome that she loves learning so much! I am so glad that little man is making progress with reading. That is wonderful! I hope cuddly boy will be as good as new soon!He is such a sweetie.

paige said...

Hey, jamie ~ paige again ~
had to post a comment as i noticed in amie's comment she recommended 'Dear America' books. We've purchased around 10 'Dear Canada' books ~ they must be the same thing. Thought it was funny. Think there are "Dear Germany" and "Dear France" books?? Anyway, my older dd's (10 & 8) have really enjoyed them.

Jodie said...

Wow seems like you posted a lot since I last checked.

Doesn't it drive you nuts not to know what really happened with CB's leg?

Princess is absolutely adorable.

Hope nothing is terrible wrong with LM tooth!!

The pictures of you guys making cookies were cute!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can push him in an umbrella stroller, that way you wouldn't have to carry him for long. My niece broke her leg just from playing around in the living room. She came to visit us while still wearing her cast and was running around Chuck E Cheese, no problem!

DDanielle said...

I used to love history so much. I still do, its weird that I majored in Science. It would be so much fun to go over that stuff again and to see the excitment in a child's eyes. We had a dog once that had to have a cast on when he was a puppy(before we got him he was abused). It was so funny to see him run around with it once he was used to it.

Becca said...

I'll bet you're (re)learning a lot right along with them! You're in a neat area as far as American history goes...better than the UP anyway!

I like Erika's (Hi Erika!) idea of a stroller - save your back... those 2 year olds are heavy!