Friday, August 17, 2007


It kinda hit me this morning. Little Man has been so unbearable lately that its hard to even enjoy being around him. Yesterday we went with some friends shopping and to the local children's 'museum'. He was the only kid (out of 5) whining- and I mean whining- for things everywhere we went. I was going to buy him a book since his sister was getting two free ones, but once the whining surfaced- no way! Anyway, what hit me is that he does not do well with change. He never has. Even though he's excited we've moved I guess just the change of everything overwhelms him. Why is it that we're all so different and change affects some while not others? It is no excuse for his recent behavior but at least I may be seeing where its coming from. And I pray it ends soon because I'm not sure how much more I can take!


momanna98 said...

I totally understand! My 5 1/2 year has never done well with change. Even the smallest change! I'll wonder why he is in such a terrible mood with horrid behavior and then it hits me, oh, such and such is different. Boy, if we move, he is NOT going to be fun to live with!

TN said...

Just came across your blog after reading one of your posts on the AOH forum. I just want to say that I totally understand the whining issue. My oldest son gets easily frustrated, but it is getting better as he ages. I also give him cod liver oil and fish oil caps, and I am telling you, it definitely helps his concentration, moods and frustration level. Sometimes, those little nervous synapsis in the brain have a short fuse, literally. I take them as well and feel much calmer and relaxed. You might want to try it! A different approach, but nutritional things do help children so much. Blessings!


ChicoryChick said...

All my children seem to go crazy when there routine is interupted!

Risa said...

Luke is in that same place lately. Maybe if we encourage them to pray for each other to make new friends and enjoy their new homes they would be able to learn to empathize with each other through it - and think of someone else other than themselves when things start to feel out of control.

Just a thought! :)