Thursday, February 08, 2007


Ok, I probably seemed so heartless in the last post about homeless people. I totally feel bad for them (most of them). It's the ones with brand new and name brand items (shoes, backpacks, clothes) that I have a hard time feeling sorry for. I guess maybe they get them from various shelters or whatever but when I see somebody asking for money wearing shoes that even I can't afford my heartstrings do not cry out. I have seen my share of homeless in big cities and it is so sad. But I have also seen people who don't look quite so homeless asking us for money and I have a hard time with that. We'll buy you a burger if you need food. But to give money and not know what it is actually going to go towards, well, we try to steer clear from that. Anyway, just wanted to clarify so you all didn't think I was some heartless soul! It is really hard to draw the line in this area. I know the Bible teaches to give, if somebody needs a drink to also give him food, etc. Sometimes it is just hard to see that there is actually the need with some of those people 'begging'. Ok, I'm done.


Choppzs said...

I totally see where you are coming from. It really sucks how now days you can't trust anyone. If you hand someone money, thinking they are going to get get food or whatnot, whose to say they aren't buying drugs, or alcohol or whatever. It sucks to think like that, but that's how I do think when I am contemplating giving someone money. Then of course there are the real people who really are wanting money for food, and get jipped because of all the a**holes that have ruined it by being like that. I once saw a guy sitting outside of a gas station and he was wearing cammies. He was holding a sign saying "anything would help!" Now being in the service, It really pulls at me to see a homeless vet. But when I asked Hubs about giving him money, he wasn't to keen on it because you don't even know if he is a vet, or even homeless, or he could have gotten those cammies from a thrift store or whatever. So i finally convinced Hubs to let me get him something from the store. I didn't give him money, but a sandwhich and a water. That way at least I knew that it wasn't going to go towords drugs or anything.

But anyways, just to let you know I completely see where you are coming from.

Anonymous said...

No not planning on going to the retreat. When is it... soon huh? Are you going? Tell Nancy we said hi. We have met her three times.

Will Serene and Pearl be there?

thanks for your comment on my blog


Amie said...

I understood what you meant.

Angel at Aduladi' said...

When I lived in Maryland there was a spot right near the DC border that was known as "scam light". "Homeless" people would take turns on this corner waiting for a red light with their placards in hopes of soliciting money from commuters. The press did a story on one of these "homeless men" and found out he was pulling in close to 40 grand a year doing this in various locations. Tax free. He was even brazen enough to park his car not too far away and it was much nicer than mine at the time.

I too think that it is crucial to help those in need and it is mandated in the Bible, however it is also easy to get taken. I do what other posters do, grab them a bite to eat (I used to carry McD's gift certificates in the District with me) and pray for/with them! Most homeless people are really nice and just need a hand up. But there are those who take advantage.