Monday, February 26, 2007

Question of the day: Progress?????

Yesterday I had cramping pretty much all day, so I drank two cups of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea in the evening. The cramping got worse and I was having contractions. I could barely sleep last night from being in pain. It wasn't the worst pain I was in, but uncomfortable. I awoke this morning and used the bathroom and felt something pass. So I got my gloves on and dug in the toilet- after all the last thing I want to do is flush down the baby. It was not the baby. I am thinking it was the placenta- it was huge. Even with my other miscarriage I never saw a blood clot that big. So, I called the doctor. They're so wishy washy and all. I'm really not bleeding much, so I think they see no dire need to have me come in. But I want to know, is it the placenta? Is my baby about ready to deliver? I'm fearful to go to the bathroom at all now! He (the doctor) told me to see how the morning went, so I'm thinking I may call and see if I can't just go and get an ultrasound to know what is going on. Please continue praying. I'm really hoping this is over soon.


Choppzs said...

Oh gosh, I can't even imagine. I truly hope that these doctors can help you out better then they have been, and that this is a sign that you may deliver your baby soon. I would go in despite of what they say, and pitch a fit. The way that it sounds like they are treating you is rediculous!! You all are in my prayers!

Dancing Boys Mom said...


continuing to keep you in my prayers.

You know, there is a plastic device you can get at a medical store to slip between the seat and the bowl so you can catch everything as you go then you won't have to worry. you can just dump it if it's all "normal." I'll try to look around for it online to get you a picture of it when I get home. I'm off to take my boys to ballet right now.

God keep you.


Dancing Boys Mom said...

Couldn't leave until I found it...I'm weird that way. Here is a link to what it looks like:

Hopefully your local supply store will have one.

Christine said...

Hi Jamie! I will keep praying that God will help the baby to pass soon.I am hoping all of this pain will pass from you quickly.

Jodie said...

Oh my goodness! You would think the doctor would want to see you asap! Poor girl. The things you are going through!

myboys9802 said...

I'm sorry.
I really hope you pass the baby soon.