Monday, March 31, 2008

8 Things about Princess on Her Birthday

Princess is born! March 31, 2000 1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years 5 years

6 years7 years8 years

1. She is a huge helper. While she sometimes complains, like any of us do when given a task, she willingly does it and usually does a good job. I am so proud of the big helper she has become (and thankful).

2. She has a love for others. Although we don't always see this side of her, it is there. She often prays for the salvation of some of her friends she knows don't go to church. She will ask when we're going to go around the neighborhood to tell other people about Jesus. She has a true servants heart for the Lord.

3. She loves to read. Sometimes I think she likes to try to compete with me in finishing a book! Of course mine are usually at least 100 pages longer than hers are, but I still usually finish before her;) Just this morning on the way to church she told me that sometimes when she reads a book she gets sad and get tears in her eyes like I do!. When I asked her about this she said a boy died in the current book she's reading and she was crying a bit. I love it- like mother, like daughter!

4. She is a good student. For the most part. I have days and moments when I want that yellow bus to appear at my door (like any other homeschooling parent), but she excels really well. While she may complain "It's hard" she perseveres through it and does exceptionally well. Right now she's learning cursive writing and while she says its hard it looks great!

5. She's such a girly girl. I don't have to worry about her being a tomboy! She loves to play dolls, Barbies and with her stuffed animals. She loves to shop, fix her hair and look pretty. She loves to dress up, have her nails painted and she loves shoes. Typical female genes!

6. She loves her junk food. This is another trait she's inherited from me, although her dad loves his sweets too. Not like junk food is a good thing, I know its not, and just ask my mom- my children barely get any junk! But, just another point that she's my girl;)

7. She is so beautiful. She's got a huge, gorgeous smile. She loves to laugh. She's so tall and pretty. Inside she is a beauty as well. She loves Jesus and that makes her shine!

8. She is an all-around blessing. I am so thankful to the Lord for bringing her into our life 8 years ago. It's hard to believe that that much time has gone by! I remember like it was yesterday the day she was born and the first time I got to lay eyes on her, and later the first time I was able to hold her. She is truly a gift and joy from the Lord.

Happy Birthday Princess! We love you!


Jodie said...

Aww happy birthday to your sweet little girl! She does remind me of you in soo many ways. :)

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! Loved those photos!!

Anonymous said...

8 Things! What a great idea - you know I am going to have to borrow it from you - right!?!
What a wonderful thing for Princess to be able to look back at! I am glad she had a good birthday.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...


Anna said...

Happy belated Princess!
Jamie I love your post, what a great idea!:)

Anonymous said...

She is a special granddaughter. Brought tears to my eyes just reading what you wrote! Umm next year will have to add she likes to talk on the phone just like her mom! lol Love you Hannah and I am blessed to have you as my granddaughter. Some day I will be able to be there on your special day but not right now. Will have to talk to Pappa about letting me retire. JK I don't want to do that yet. Hugs and Kisses - Nanny

Amie said...

Happy birthday! I loved the pictures.

Becca said...

Happy Birthday Princess!

Risa said...

Happy Birthday Hannah! Love, Jozie and Luke

(Sorry it's late, our Papa was visiting and we haven't checked our blog since last week!)