Friday, June 08, 2007


I've been a-singin' that song in my head by DC Talk since yesterday. Yesterday I got to baby-sit for my friend, Angela. She has two kiddos. While playing in the afternoon Princess began to ask her 5 year old if he knew Jesus. She was telling him all about Jesus. It was the sweetest thing. This is how Princess is. She's always concerned about people's salvation- whether they know Jesus or not. I love her zeal for the Lord and her desire for others to know about Him. Cuddly boy enjoyed helping with the baby. He would bring me a bottle or pacifier to help out. I'm telling you, we need a baby in this house! It wasn't even bad adding 2 more into the bunch! I thought, "Boy, I can handle 5!" I will admit that by bedtime I was exhausted!


Risa said...

Sounds like you have a future missionary on your hands! :) I think she would get along well with Luke...well, some days at least! The ones where he's being his sweet self rather than his not-so-sweet self! :) LOL

Babies are good! I have been thinking someday I would like more - or at least Another - baby(ies) in a few years but since Bob is fixed so I'd love to adopt. I've already decided where and how, just to break the news to Bob...LOL

Anonymous said...

5 isn't bad is it? I just had 5 yesterday. Youngest was 8 months, then 2 1/2, 3 1/2, almost 4 and 5. I thought I would be miserable all day and I wasn't!! I was so excited.

Isn't it wonderful when they do things and you feel so proud? I just love it.


Naomi... said...

The more, the merrier, I say. I think that with more children around me, I am more alert and organised, and therefore more confident and composed. When I have my 3 nephews (8, 5 & 3) with my 2 boys (6 & 1) it is great - there's never a dull moment, and there sure are alot of laughs, and I just feel really good amongst it all... And I sleep like a log!

ChicoryChick said...

Aww, may she always have that passion to tell people about Jesus. My oldest dd used to, but not so much now. :(

Becca said...

awww, that's've got a little jewel, Jamie!