Sunday, June 24, 2007

One thing accomplished

Ok, so I somewhat redesigned the blog. If I forgot any of you please let me know. When I updated the template it didn't take along everybody's blogs. Gotta love that;) I tried to add what I remembered. What I'm wondering is how to get those tool things off of the bottom of everything. Why are those there, or am I the only one who sees them? Let me know what you think of everything!

**OK, no more tools;)


Christine said...

Your blog "makeover" looks lovely. I love the picture. Blessings!

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Oh, Jamie, I love it! It looks great. Good job!

Risa said...

It looks great! What can you do for me? ;)

Those tools are blogger tools and they are there when you are logged in but nobody else can see them. I have them on my blog too...I think there is a way to get rid of them, something about quick edit I think. HTH :)