Sunday, June 01, 2008

24 weeks

It is hard to believe I'm already 24 weeks! It is so exciting! Princess took these pictures for me since I had a few belly requests. I'm a bit embarassed posting my belly, even though its small:) I guess just because normally its hidden and now people can see it! Oh well, I'm private so at least I know who's seeing these shots!

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Angie said...

Look at your BELLY!

Oh I love it!!!!

Thanks, that made me giggle!!!!

Angie said...

BTW--Not fair, you are so tan!!

You look great Jamie!

Christine said...

What a cute baby belly. Praying for you and sweet baby girl!

Beth said...

Grow Baby, GROW!
I can't believe you are 24 weeks already! It seems like you just found out you were pregnant!

You have a beautiful baby belly!

Angel at Aduladi' said...

You are adorable pregnant! I have to tell you what a dope I am. I have you in my RSS feeder and so it tells me when you have posted. I had not seen much lately from you blogwise and figured that you were busy packing and getting ready to move.

I had seen something about Mississippi in a magazine and thought about you and was going to e-mail you to "check in". Then it hit me that since you had gone private, my reader may not be picking up your blog! Sure enough, when I went directly to it, there you were, in full belly splendor!

I have some MAJOR catching up to do, LOL! DOH!

Melissa said...

I did the same thing with the RSS feed, thinking she hadn't posted in awhile. I am all caught up now, I think...Anyway, Jamie- cute, cute belly, you look great!!

Choppzs said...

Getting so big already! That's crazy!

Me said...

Cute cute! I want to be tan :)

missy said...

You are just adorable!!

Laura said...

You look great! You don't look like you're 24 weeks. :) You must lose your baby weight quickly.

Jodie said...

You're so cute. I swear you did not have a belly when I saw you a week ago!

Anonymous said...

Jamie, You are adorable. It was great talking to you today. Take care and know that I'll be praying for all of you through the move.

Risa said...

I like the front shot! How cute! You never really got huge with any of your other kids, did you? :) You are tiny to begin with so I wouldn't expect to see a house boat or anything - like I was! LOL

jljdcraig4 said...

You look so adorable! :-)

I'm so excited for you & your family!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing!
Can't wait until mine is out there too:)


momanna98 said...

You carry like me. All inside. When I had a 9 lb baby no one could believe it. It wasn't until I was about 7 months pregnant that people started saying, "I didn't know you were pregnant!" And then they think you feel fine just because you look good... blah blah... sorry... I am SO glad I'm not pregnant anymore. :-)