Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here I Am

I just haven't felt like being online as much as usual. Well, we played quite a bit of games (Sequence) when Zach's dad was here. Turns out I became the champ! I've been enjoying the kids, seeing them play with their new toys and all. And I've been cleaning up after everybody (for what feels like constantly). I've been watching TV too. Today we went to exchange a few gifts...things that weren't the right sizes. Just the kids and I. Was nice to get out. We didn't make it to church as we weren't' sure how the roads would be after our huge ice storm the other night (turns out they were ok though). Yesterday morning we had tons of ice covered everywhere! Yuck! Zach's dad left today. We had a good time but I'm also looking forward to life getting back to normal. It will be nice to take down the tree soon and I'd like to rearrange the living room a bit (hopefully I can figure out a way). Chatterbox keeps asking if we're going to start school soon....nope I'm enjoying vacation & no schedules & sleeping in! Well, I'm off to read my book I think. Feeling restless and not sure what to do! Goodnight y'all!


Angie said...

you sound like me...i uploaded the 250 pics, but haven't done much after that with them....just don't feel in the mood to yet.

and i loved going 'home' for christmas, but am so happy to be home in my own bed and have my own shower!!

Kim said...

Join the club. Seems like everyone is not wanting to do much after Christmas. I have been doing the same, cleaning up after everyone. It seems like I just straightened up the downstairs living room and move on to the next and the DSLR is wreck again. I guess when the kids go back to school next Monday I can get things back in order around here.

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying my vacation too!
We will start school again on Friday - I have to keep on it or when the baby comes it will all fly out the window.
Happy New Year!

Beth said...

I would love to not have to do school! I miss the more care free days when the kids were younger. We switched curriculum in Nov. and planning to move in June so I feel we NEED to stay on top of things. Life with a high schooler is a lot harder!

Choppzs said...

Sounds like the same thing around here. Picking up toys, picking up dishes, playing maid. When will it end???? lol

Babyface74 said...

We just got done playing secquence. Zach said he likes playing with an "old woman". What a stinker! I won both games and now it is bedtime.

I think we have all needed to recharge after the excitement of Christmas. And the cleaning never stops here either....