Thursday, July 05, 2007

Brown Crayons???

The other morning as I was dressing Cuddly, Princess was in the bathroom getting ready for the day. The next minute I hear her FLIPPING out. I had no idea what was going on until she started shrieking, "I just picked up a centipede!!! EW! I just picked up a centipede!" She was almost in tears! She thought there was a brown crayon on the bathroom floor and went to pick it up, only to pick up a nasty centipede. While she had the willies from touching the nasty thing I couldn't stop cracking up! I still chuckle over it. Sometimes these nasty centipedes find their way into our house...normally a bathroom. I guess its better than roaches, but I hate bugs just like my daughter does!


Risa said...

That's funny! Sounds like something Jozie would do too! LOL


Anonymous said...

A centipede is better than dog poop in my book! (I picked up a fresh pile of dog poop in the dark at a friend's house once - with my bare hand. She had an old dog that couldn't remember to go outside all the time) That was so gross!

Yuck tho! ;)

Anonymous said...

I am still laughing - hahahahaha Princess you found out that it didn't hurt you did it? It is only a small bug and look how big you are compared to that. I love you, you silly girl!