Sunday, July 08, 2007

Women at Home

How appropriate that Amie sent me a link to this article at such a time. I think I've read it before (probably saw it linked at another blog). But today I NEEDED it. I know not all of my readers are in the 'same boat' as myself and that's ok. But this article reminds me of how important my 'job' is in my home. So often Christians and churches today teach of being busy with this or that ministry (like the article states) and forget to encourage women to be keepers at home. Which is one reason why I LOVE Above Rubies so much. It encourages me in what I know God wants me to be doing. It reminds me that changing diapers (or in my case lately poopy 'unea'), wiping snotty noses and bathing children is all a ministry unto my family. I know sometimes in the midst of that poop and snot life really stinks (literally). But, it is so worth it don't you think?

Please pray for us (again). We're just a bit discouraged this afternoon about some stuff. I'm not sure if I will be sharing about it on this blog as I'm not sure who all reads it! You know how when you're in God's will Satan will try to bring you down? Well, I know that is what's happening regarding our adoption. UGH, it makes me mad!!! Anyway, off to spend some time with Zach.

*****And since I added my other blog I can't seem to post titles. HELP!


Amie said...

I'm glad the article encouraged you, I liked it too.

I was actually going to suggest you start an adoption blog, how cool that you did.

Anonymous said...

I printed that article out several months ago so I could keep reminding myself that I am doing the right thing.