Sunday, August 03, 2008

not much new

Don't have a whole lot to blog abut. Felt so crummy all day yesterday and just laid around. Finally got my Above Rubies mag. so was able to read that! Zach took the boys fishing and canoeing and I really wanted to try to get out with Chatterbox and do some shopping but there was no way it was going to happen. She happily played some computer games, we ate lunch together and watched her Barbie movie. The kiddos played outside with the hoses yesterday while Zach finished painting the shed and I sat on our upstairs porch for awhile.

Today we skipped church. I was almost hoping Zach & the kids would go so it would be nice and quiet but it wasn't bad with them here. When I woke up this morning my left side was hurting again and my left leg was NUMB. It must be either from the stones or stint but it is annoying! Right now I'm sitting with heating pads to try to get rid of the pain! I didn't get out of bed until 10 this morning and after breakfast I fell asleep on the couch for at least an hour! I feel so stinkin' lazy! I haven't been showering until well into the afternoon, which is rare for me! It is kinda nice though, just to be a lazy bum. I know that in about 6 weeks I won't have time for that as I'll be on my toes with my precious baby and trying to homeschool the others. So I'm trying to enjoy all this rest and its not bad when I'm not in so much pain or not running to the bathroom as often!

I feel horrible that I haven't been able to cook a whole lot of meals for the family. Hopefully tomorrow I will force myself to do it, but I don't want to overdo it because then I end up in worse pain.

Oh, and remember my eBay deals on baby clothes? I saved over $70 on school books for the year (so far) by bidding on eBay! Now I just need to get the workbooks and we'll be good to go. I LOVE saving money!!!


Risa said...

Have you tried HomeschoolClassifieds dot com? They have a lot of stuff - I've saved money there and you don't even have to bid on what you are looking for. :) I hate bidding - I'm not patient enough and I end up bidding too high...LOL

I think Luke has decided he wants to leave the girls home the next time they go fishing because Jozie caught more fish (and turtles!) than he did the last 2 times we went! LOL

Beth said...

Hooray for saving $$! You are doing a great job on getting the things you need for school & for baby.

I'm sorry you are still feeling so lousy. Ya know, if you lived closer I would bring you a few meals for the freezer! See, Mississippi isn't ALL bad. (((HUGS)))

Amie said...

I think somebody in our homeschool group in that magazine. I think she wrote an article or maybe the article was about her? Not sure, I just remember hearing something about it.