Wednesday, July 23, 2008

blah, blah, blah

That's how I'm still feeling. I finally gave in and have been taking my pain meds but I wonder if it even is helping because my back still hurts. It certainly isn't the pain I was having before I went to the hospital, but its still miserable. I could barely eat my dinner because of the pain. All I've tried to do lately is lay around, but I also had to do laundry as we were running out of clothes. The minute I move I feel like I have to pee, even if I just went. And when I do it kinda burns/tingles and is miserable. I can't imagine feeling like this for 2 more months, it is really miserable. I feel like I can't properly take care of the kiddos because I just don't want to do anything to make me in more pain. I managed to cook dinner tonight but once I cleaned up I was in soooo much pain I was about in tears. The TV has once again become a baby-sitter in our family. I wonder how I will even manage to go anywhere feeling this way...all I want to do is stay home.

I hate being this way. I feel like everything is in disarray. Our lives have been turned upside down for some time now, with the move and all. I was looking forward to getting back to normal routines and all, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Maybe one day we can gain some normalcy again...I know it sure would help my mood!!!


Risa said...

Still thinking about you! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you have been that sick! Remember God is with you and you have no better ally!
We are praying for you, that you have peace and comfort in your body. Many prayers coming your way, Gina

Darlene said...

Just think what Glory you can give to God through all this.

Angel at Aduladi' said...

I know it seems like it will never change, but once your kidneys flush everything out you will feel so much better! I will be praying for you my friend!

Erika said...

I was just catching up on your blog. I'm praying for you as you go through this difficult time. I've been listening to the song "Held" by Natalie Grant. It has a great message about how we are in His hands through all of life's difficulties, and she is such an amazing singer (I just saw her at Women of Faith).

Take care of yourself Jamie...
