Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Are you ready for some pictures?

When Zach had his dining in last week I took the kiddos to a different park in town. I like to try new ones and see which one is our favorite. It was probably our last time to play at the park for the year! We sure had fun though!

Just hangin' around:)

I couldn't snap a whole lot of pictures of Chatterbox. She was very active!

Another one of my monkeys. Good thing I love monkeys so much! :)
The good 'ole self portrait!

I love seeing those smiles!

Once Sweet Pea was given some milk even she seemed to enjoy the fresh air!
I love this picture- it looks like she's waving!
I have a lot of pictures to share with you! I realize I haven't shared any yet this month! What a rarity for me! I'll post them in installments I think, and in order of occurrence. So, this was the first one!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Just love the pictures,especially of her trying to wave. How Precious!