Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Many Children

I just had to share some things. I meant to tell about this yesterday but forgot until I was too busy doing the photos! I was flipping through the channels in the morning and Regis & Kelly was on. They were talking to a lady on the phone (to do the trivia) and I missed the very beginning of the conversation but apparently the woman has 6 children. She drives those children to 4 different schools and I thought Kelly was going to fall out of her chair. Her statement? "That must be a nightmare!" Then they said how this woman needs a vacation and Kelly said, "I don't know how your mind can function" or something to that affect. I know Kelly herself has a number of children (I think at least 3). It just really turned me off to see the negativity of having 'so many' children! I know it is the way of the world..."what burdens" many people think. How sad.

Last night I was asked if I'm bored with Zach being gone and then she stated, "I suppose you can't be with your kids." That's right and one bonus of having "so many" children! I don't' have time to be bored! I also don't have time to take a proper shower or eat sitting down! But that's ok. I know I often complain about my children and all but I am so blessed to have them. That the Lord has given me these gifts, the desire I've had since a little girl!

Also, the other day I was walking through the grocery store. The baby was in her car seat in the cart and the other 3 were either on the side or in the front or back of the cart. A few times they were following behind me and I felt like a mama duck! I know many people gave a second look but no negative comments that day!

The other day I was talking on the phone with my mom. I was referring to my children and said "4, no 3"! I couldn't even remember how many I had;) What would I do without my children? Who would I care for? Who would help and care for me? Who would I talk to when Zach is gone at work? Of course I'd probably be out in the 'real world' working and then come home exhausted! But I would seriously be bored without my children! Thank you Lord for blessing me!


DDanielle said...

I admire people who have many children, and I don NOT in any way shape or form think of it as a burden or that there is something wrong with a lot of kids. BUT I still think it would be exhausting. I can barely function with 2, so I am amazed with woman who can do more...not amazed in "your an idiot" way...amazed in "wow that's cool, YOU'RE cool" way. I guess try not to take people making comments like that as negative. I think most people just don't realize what they sound like when they say something. Knowing many people with large families now I try to remember what I sound like so I don't offend, because again...I really do think its cool.

Kim said...

I think it's awesome that you have 4 children, and take the time to stay home with them and school them. I admire you for that. I often get lots of looks from people when I'm at the store with the three kids by myself. Usually people are looking at me because I have three kids and look only 18. I hear that all the time. It use to bother me, but I don't let it anymore. Keep your head up, your a good mama!

paige said...

i think it would be *my* personal nightmare to drive my children to 4different schools every morning! Aieee... i wonder what time she has to wake up?? i have 6 children too ~ but we homeschool ~ That would be a very difficult chore! :)