Tuesday, January 06, 2009

More bullets...

  • Sorry bullets are all I have time for...
  • Sweet Pea sure can move around on the floor. She's lying on a blanket and has managed to be lying in a different direction than she started out in. She will soon be rolling from her back to belly I bet. She hasn't rolled from her belly to back since I told you about it a couple of weeks ago!
  • Speaking of SP, she laughed at me this morning! So sweet! First 'real' laugh at mommy! About time;)
  • We ran out to lunch with Zach today to 'celebrate' his 10 years. I also took the kiddos to the library. I really like our library. I was able to sit in a rocking chair & nurse the baby while the kids looked for books. We then explored and looked for some books- came away with tons once again!!!
  • I got the book Draw, Write Now for Booty. We'll see how he likes it. I've heard great things about it so I can't wait to try it in addition to what we've been doing. This morning he did the letter 'f' and can say the sound but then when he tries to say it in a word he still manages to get the 's' in there. Like 'fsish' for fish.
  • Finally got the movies from my aunt! About stinkin' time!
  • Baby needs me so I'm off for now!


Amie said...

Baby laughs are so sweet!

Somebody gave us an "Explode the Code" workbook a while back. Sammy liked it.

Shari said...

We got Melina one of the Draw Write Now books (the one with the Statue of Liberty) last year for Christmas. She loves it. She even brought it to school and showed her art teacher. Who, in turn, order some for the school and does them with several of her classes. Some of the drawings can be hard for the younger ones, but very adaptable to how detailed you want to be. I can't wait to see some of his drawings.