Saturday, June 26, 2010


Ok, my next post will be the 1500th. Wow! Wonder if I should somehow make it special? Anyway, THIS post is to say I have a new tracking thing on the side of my blog, so now I can see who visits when and where those people are from. So now I know when YOU come to my blog, read and don't leave me a comment :) C'mon I like my comments to know people are actually reading :) Am I sneaky or what? hehehe

**Editor's note: I went through and deleted all drafts and I'm only at like 1470 posts so I have a way to 1500...a little way :)


Amie said...

Your a very prolific blogger. I haven't even reached 1000 yet!

Kim said...

Thats funny. I know I get like 2 comments on my blog always same people, and I know of more people who read it because I'll talk to them and they'll mention something that they read on my blog.

PBJCJ said...

Holy cow...1500?? I think I might have 15!! LOL :) Someday...haha!

Jamie said...

OK, so I went through and deleted all drafts and I'm only at like 1469 :)

Our4Monkeys said...

Gosh, now I feel like I need to leave a comment on every post! ;)

Sherry said...

Wow, that's a lot of posts! I think I've read every one of them, though I am one who doesn't always leave a note:(.... but I still enjoy keeping up with you and the family!

I am OK said...

You are too funny! Seriously, I love my comments too. Sometimes I don't even know people read my blog and then I'll be talking to them and they say something like "oh yeah, I read your post about that". Well, ya stinker, leave a comment. LOL.